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While the new future land use categories in the Comprehensive Plan do not necessarily exclude <br /> the uses in the existing I-2 or R-1 zones, the existing zoning does not support the concepts <br /> proposed on the future land use map. The future land use categories allow for single family <br /> housing and industrial uses; however, the zoning limits the possibility for a wider variety of <br /> businesses and housing types. Due to the discrepancy in uses and because the existing zoning <br /> was not designed with a large redevelopment in mind, it is recommended to update the zoning <br /> code in preparation for a public auction. <br /> Until there is a detailed master plan, it is not possible create the specific zoning regulations that <br /> would have been adopted as part of an RRLD development. However, the City can still set the <br /> parameters that a future TCAAP redevelopment must follow. These parameters can be <br /> incorporated into two new zoning districts that align with the future land use map. The new <br /> zoning district would require the developer to use the Planned Unit Development (PUD)process, <br /> which would be enhanced to specifically address the unique circumstances of the TCAAP <br /> property. The PUD process would have been part of the RRLD master plan. <br /> At this point, it would be a guessing game to set minimum lot sizes, create setbacks, or map road <br /> locations. Instead, the new zoning districts should focus on the City's overall goals for the <br /> property, the desired character of a redevelopment, known requirements, and development <br /> constraints. The TCAAP Reuse Statement that was adopted in November 2009 will help create <br /> the new district. The new zoning districts need to balance flexibility to encourage creativity with <br /> more specific requirements that address the City's concerns. Once the property is sold, the <br /> parameters in this new zoning district would guide the process to create a master development <br /> plan that would engage all stakeholders, including residents of Arden Hills. As previously noted, <br /> the new zoning regulations are really a process for creating a plan. <br /> It will likely take several meetings to prepare, review, and edit the language of the new zoning <br /> districts. While the draft ordinance has quite a bit of information, it is a work in progress and <br /> can be edited (Attachment). <br /> The draft zoning district language would create two new zoning districts, Mixed Residential <br /> (MR) and Mixed Business (MB), and affect four parts of the Zoning Code: <br /> 1320.04 —Purpose of Districts: All of the zoning districts have a purpose that is listed in <br /> this section. A purpose statement would be added for the new MR and MB districts. <br /> When a city adopts a zoning regulation, it must be based on a rational purpose that enacts <br /> community goals. <br /> 1320.05 — Land Use Chart: The land use chart lists the permitted and conditional uses for <br /> each zoning district in the City. If a use is not listed as permitted or conditional, then it is <br /> automatically unpermitted. Some of the uses, i.e. office, retail, have very broad - <br /> definitions that allow for a wide variety of uses. The chart would need to be updated to <br /> include the new MR and MB districts. <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> C:(Documents and Settings 0ecky.brazys lLocal Settings I Temporary Internet FilesDLK15FW21610-CCMemo-TCAAP Planning and Public <br /> Engagement.doc <br /> Page 5 of 7 <br />