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September 9, 2009, Planning Commission Minutes <br />Planning Case 09-016; Conditional Use Permit Amendment; 1900 Lake Valentine <br />Road; Mounds View High School — Public Hearing <br />City Planner Beekman reported that the applicant has requested a Conditional Use Permit <br />Amendment to construct a single stand of bleachers behind home plate adj acent to the <br />recently constructed ball field. <br />City Planner Beekman reviewed the background and stated that Staff offers the following <br />thirteen findings of fact for consideration: <br />Gene�al Fzndings: <br />1. The applicant is proposing to construct a single stand of bleachers behind home <br />plate adj acent to the baseball field located on the property. <br />2. Mounds View High School operates under a Conditional Use Permit in the R-1 <br />Zoning District. <br />3. The proposed bleachers were not included on the Master Plan approved in <br />Planning Case 84-001. A CUP amendment is required to include the bleachers. <br />4. Athletic fields and accessory equipment is permitted under the original CUP for <br />Mounds View High Scholl. <br />5. The proposed bleachers will not exceed the lot coverage limits for the property. <br />6. The proposed bleachers meet all setback requirements. <br />7. The applicant is not proposing to remove any vegetation from the site. <br />On the Conditional Use Pe�mit�lmendment: <br />8. The proposed proj ect is not expected to have any significant impact on traffic or <br />parking conditions since no change in the school population is expected and <br />games would take place during off hours. <br />9. The proposed proj ect will not produce any permanent noise, glare, odors, <br />vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, liquid, or solid waste. <br />10. The proj ect will not impact storm water runoff since impervious surface is not <br />significantly increased and no grading is taking place. <br />11. The proposed proj ect is not expected to have any impacts on school population or <br />. <br />denslty. <br />12. The park dedication fee is not applicable to this application. <br />13. The proposed proj ect does not conflict with the City's Comprehensive Plan or the <br />intent of the Zoning Code. <br />City Planner Beekman stated that based on the submitted plans and findings of fact, Staff <br />recommends approval of Planning Case 09-016 for a Conditional Use Permit <br />Amendment to construct a stand of bleachers adj acent to the baseball field at Mounds <br />View High School. The recommendation for approval is subj ect to the following four <br />.. <br />condltlons: <br />