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�.� EN HILLS <br />MEMOR.ANDUM <br />DATE: February 22, 201 � <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br />Sue Iverson, Acting City Administrator <br />FROM: Kristine Giga, Civil Engineer <br />Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br />SUBJECT: Elmer L. Andersen Memorial Trail Connections Bid Award <br />Back�round/Discussion <br />In March and April of 2009, staff combined the Perry Park Pathway and the County Road <br />E-2 Pathway (Safe Routes to School) projects into the Elmer L. Andersen Memorial Trail <br />Connections Proj ect. An application was submitted for Transportation Enhancements <br />(TE) Funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (A�). The City <br />was successful in receiving funding for this proj ect. <br />Plans were prepared and submitted to Mn/DOT Metro State Aid in November, 2009, for <br />review and approvals. Following their review, Mn/DOT recommended the proj ect for <br />approval to the Transportation Board. Staff was notified in late December 2009, that all <br />approvals were in place and the proj ect could be advertised for bid. Bids were solicited <br />during the month of January 2010. The bids were opened on Thursday, January 28, <br />2010. Based on the bids received, staff recommends awarding the project. <br />Based on past practice, the City Council has awarded construction contracts to the lowest <br />resp�onsible bidder. In the case of the Elmer L. Andersen Memorial Trail Connections <br />Proj ect, the lowest bidder is American Liberty Construction, Inc., of Rockford, <br />Minnesota. <br />Financial Implications <br />The City received i'ifteen (15) bids for this proj ect. The low bid submitted by American <br />Liberty Construction, Inc., $458,800, is 11 % lower than the construction estimate of <br />$514,346 provided at the June 2009 City Council worksession. The following is a list of <br />the bids received: <br />City Council Meeting <br />\�\ardenhills�PR&PW�Engineering\Council_Actions\2010\2-22-lOMemo ELATrail BidAward.doc <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />