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Attachment A <br />The attached aerials are of select areas around Lake Johanna and Lake Josephine. The <br />approximate setbacks of the existing homes to the lake are indicated on each lot. The <br />setbacks for a new home have been calculated for a few of the lots using the existing <br />regulation (E), and the proposed regulation (P) and are indicated in black marker on the <br />maps. Please note that under the existing regulations any of the homes could construct an <br />addition within 50 feet of the lake, and under the proposed regulations this would no <br />longer be ihe case. Therefore, the existing setback indicates only the setback for a new <br />home construction while the proposed setback indicates the setback for both a new home <br />construction and an addition. <br />The setbacks indicated on the maps are not to survey quality and are based on a <br />measuring tool using aerial photographs. The actual setbacks can only be determined <br />from a certificate of survey. <br />