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Draft February 3, 2410, Planning Commission Minutes <br />C. Planning Case 09-023; Conditional Use Permit Amendment and Zoning <br />Code Amendment; 1296 County Road F; Estate of George J. Reiling — Public <br />Hearing <br />�. City Planner Beekman reported that the applicant is requesting a Zoning Code <br />amendment to allow additional antennas t be placed on existing non-conforming <br />towers and to allow new antennas at a height greater than 75 feet. The applicant <br />is also requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Amendment to Planning Case <br />72-024 for the tower at 1296 County Road F to allow additional antennas, if <br />structurally feasible, to be located on the tower without the need for additional <br />CUP Amendments. The CUP amendment is contingent upon approval of the <br />Zoning Code amendment. She then provided background information and said <br />the Planning Commission must make a finding as to whether or not the proposed <br />zoning code amendment meets the goals of the City and if the CUP is in <br />conformance with the zoning code. Staff offers the following sixteen findings for <br />. <br />consideratlon: <br />General Findings: <br />1. The property is 2.76 acres and is zoned I-1: Limited Industrial District. <br />2. The antenna tower was constructed in 1972 though Planning Case #72-024. <br />3. The antenna tower is 40 feet tall. <br />4. The existing conditional use permit provides for seven dish antennas at <br />specific heights as noted in the CUP. <br />5. Zoning Code changes after 1972 have made the tower a legal, non-conforming <br />structure because it is the primary use on the site and exceeds the 75 foot <br />height limit. <br />6. The antenna tower has 29 antennas as listed in the structural analysis report <br />provided in the January 27, 2010, Ulteig report. <br />7. The current configuration of 29 antennas exceeds the number of antennas <br />approved in the 1972 Conditional Use Permit. <br />On the Zoning Code Amendment: <br />8. The proposed Zoning Code amendment would support the City's goal of <br />reducing the potential need for additional antennas in the City. <br />9. The proposed Zoning Code amendment does not conflict with the 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />On the Conditional Use Pe�mit Evaluation Criteria: <br />10. The proposed plan would not have any impact on traffic or parking <br />. <br />conditlons. <br />1 l. The proposed plan will not produce any permanent noise, glare, odors, <br />vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, IlC1U1C�., or solid waste, and other <br />nuisance characteristics. <br />12. The proposed plan will not impact drainage. <br />