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Recommendation <br />The Planning Commission reviewed Planning Case 09-023 on February 3, 2010 and <br />unanimously recommends approval (6-0) based on the findings of fact and the submitted plans as <br />amended by the following seven conditions: <br />1. Within 45 days of approval of this permit, all antennas not in active use shall be <br />removed from the tower. <br />2. Within 45 days of approval the applicant shall submit after-the-fact building permits, <br />supporting information, and fees as required by the Building Official for any antennas <br />without valid permits issued by the City. <br />3. A Conditional Use Permit shall be drafted by the City Attorney and signed by the <br />applicant. <br />4. Permits for relocating or adding new antennas or equipment shall not be approved by <br />the City until conditions one, two, and three are completed to the satisfaction of the <br />city. <br />5. Replacing, adding, or relocating antennas and equipment on the tower shall require a <br />building permit and structural review by an engineer selected by the City. The <br />applicant shall be responsible for all costs related to the review. The request shall <br />conform to all other City regulations in place at the time of the request unless <br />otherwise provided for in the CUP amendment. All other federal and state <br />regulations shall apply. <br />6. The applicant shall correct, promptly upon written request by the City, any <br />documented interference caused by equipment on the tower. <br />7. The applicant shall inform the tenants in writing of all City requirements, the <br />conditions of the CUP amendment, and the process for replacing, adding, or <br />relocating antennas and equipment on the tower. <br />Requested Action <br />Motion to Approve Ordinance 2010-002 and Planning Case 09-023 for a Zoning Code <br />Amendment and a Conditional Use Permit Amendment at 1296 County Road F based on the <br />findings of fact and the submitted plans as amended by the seven conditions in the February 22, <br />2010, planning case report. <br />Motion to Approve Publishing a Summary of Ordinance 2010-002 <br />The ordinance changes require a 3/5 vote and the publication summaries require a 4/5 vote. <br />City ofArden Hills <br />City Council Meeting fo� February 22, 2010 <br />C.• IDocuments anc� Settingslbecky.brazyslLocal Settingsl Temporary Internet FileslOLKl SFI02-22-10 - Regular Meeting - Memo - Reiling Tower <br />CUP Amend.doc <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />