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As of January 1, they were 710 open construction permits (347 building, 128 electrical, <br /> 82 mechanical, 48 plumbing, 47 fire, 29 zoning, 11 sign, and four sewer). Of the open <br /> permits, 647 were less than two years old and are considered active. Nine of the open <br /> permits are greater than four years old and are also considered active projects. None of <br /> the remaining open permits are classified as life or safety issues. It is difficult to compare <br /> permits from year to year because the amount of work and timeframe for each permit can <br /> vary. However, there were 741 open permits at the end of 2009, 583 of which were less <br /> than two years old. At the end of 2007 there were 1,320 open permits. <br /> Code Enforcement <br /> There were a total of 329 code enforcement cases in 2009. Of that total, 311 cases were <br /> completed and closed, leaving 18 pending cases. The majority of the pending cases were for <br /> unpermitted work and situations that still require monitoring. A total of twelve citations were <br /> issued by City Staff in 2009. In 2008, there were 491 code enforcement cases involving 509 <br /> issues. <br /> With 95 complaints, the majority of complaints in 2009 were from sign in the right-of-way, <br /> which represented nearly a third of complaints for the year. City staff received 66 complaints <br /> regarding the parking of vehicles, and 28 complaints involving recreational parking. There were <br /> 25 complaints of plant growth in excess of eight inches (mowing of lawns), and two abatement <br /> processes were initiated but were not needed because the property owner ultimately complied <br /> with the ordinance. There were 15 complaints of work without a permit, 15 regarding the <br /> accumulation of branches, and 13 complaints involving the placement of refuse containers. <br /> There were 11 complaints regarding issues with dogs, seven complaints about the storage of <br /> materials and equipment, and seven concerns of obstruction in the clear vision area at <br /> intersections. There were six complaints regarding parking in snow, six zoning violations, and <br /> five complaints of unlicensed peddlers. The remaining complaints cover a miscellaneous <br /> number of uncommon code enforcement issues. <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> City Council Meeting for March 8, 2010 <br /> IlMetro-inet.uslardenhillslPlanninglDepartment Records I Quarterly&Year End Reports 12009102-08-10-2009 Year in Review.doc <br /> Page 8of8 <br />