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eighth maintenance worker as it evaluated the specific duties that were needed in the <br /> position. A job description was drafted based on the needs identified by the committee, <br /> which include engineering technician type tasks as well as supervision and daily public <br /> works administration. The committee determined that this position could alleviate some <br /> of the workload from the Public Works Director and the City Engineer. Attached is the <br /> draft job description for the Public Works Superintendent. <br /> The City's current organizational structure still has a Superintendent and an eighth <br /> maintenance person in the Budget for 2010, so this would not create any additional costs <br /> to the budget. The committee recommends that this position be approved by the City <br /> Council and posted/advertised to fill the position. The committee will continue to work <br /> on the job description for the Public Works Director during the next month and bring that <br /> job description forward at a future worksession. <br /> The Personnel Committee's recommendation is based on the information found in the <br /> previous information provided to the City Council in Item LB. of the City Council <br /> Worksession packet for the March 15, 2010, worksession. <br /> Council Action <br /> Discuss the Personal Committee's recommendation to approve the Public Works <br /> Superintendent job description and authorize advertising for the Public Works <br /> Superintendent position at the next regular City Council meeting. Discuss the <br /> Committee's recommendation to keep the eighth maintenance worker position. <br /> City Council Meeting <br /> \\Metro-inet\ardenhills\Admin\Council\Agendas&Packet Information\20 1 0\4-19-10 Worksession\Packet <br /> Information\Public_Works_Staffing_PC_Recommendation.doc <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />