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Ordinance 2008-013 <br />(iii)Minor modifications to the exterior of a building or a site that <br />conforms to applicable zoning regulations and has no discernable impact <br />on traffic as determined by the Community Development Director or their <br />designee; <br />D. The provisions in this Section may be modified by the City Council to <br />allow planning flexibility without the need for a variance to encourage <br />cooperative dialogue between the applicant and the City. Minor <br />improvements to existing uses should be encouraged without costly upgrades <br />or complete changes to a site. <br />Subd. 2 Permitted Uses. Due to the replacement, reuse or redevelopment nature of <br />potential development in this district, the list of I-2 permitted uses as of April 1991, that <br />are not permitted in the B-4 District, will be allowed in buildings existing in April 1991 <br />as permitted uses until redevelopment or replacement of the building or buildings <br />housing such uses occurs. Such uses will not be allowed in buildings constructed after <br />April 1991. The permitted uses on the Land Use Chart, Section 1320.05, in the B-4 <br />District will be permitted either as replacement uses in buildings existing as of April <br />1991 or as uses in replaced or redeveloped buildings. <br />Subd. 3 Uses Allowed by Conditional Use Permit. Due to the replacement, reuse or <br />redevelopment nature of potential development in this district, the existing I-2 uses <br />allowed by conditional use permit as of April 1991 will be allowed to continue as <br />conditional uses until redevelopment or replacement of the building or buildings housing <br />such uses occurs. No new I-2 uses by conditional use permit will be allowed unless those <br />uses are permitted or allowed by conditional use permit in the B-4 District. The uses <br />allowed by Conditional Use Permit on the Land Use Chart, Section 1320.05, in the B-4 <br />District will be allowed by conditional use permit either as replacement uses in buildings <br />existing as of April 1991 or as uses in replaced, redeveloped or new buildings. <br />Subd. 4 Special Regulations for Drive -Up Windows, Drive -In Businesses, and Fast <br />Food Restaurants in the B-4 District. Section 1325.04 of this Code, specifies additional <br />requirements for drive-in businesses, drive -up windows, fast food restaurants and <br />automobile service stations. The provision whereby the proximity requirement of one <br />thousand three hundred and twenty (1,320) feet between drive-in businesses, drive -up <br />windows, or fast food restaurants may be waived if the following conditions are met: <br />A. The architectural treatment, circulation plan, and signage system of such <br />businesses shall be designed to visually and functionally integrate the <br />building and the site on which it is located. <br />B. The applicant shall submit a circulation plan that demonstrates that the <br />use will not interfere or reduce the safety of non -motorized movements, <br />specifically pedestrian and bicyclists. <br />C. Requested modifications to the provisions in section 1325.04 shall be <br />stated in writing along with an explanation of why the modifications would <br />