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Subd. 51 Dog Run. A structure specifically designed for domestic use for the harboring and <br /> exercise of not more than two (2) dogs. <br /> Subd. 52 Drive-in business. Any business establishment offering to customers a service which <br /> is primarily or exclusively laid out, designed, equipped or operated so as to allow its customers <br /> to purchase and receive such service without having to enter the building and usually while <br /> remaining in their automobiles. By way of illustration, but without limitation, drive-in <br /> businesses include: drive-in banks, drive-in laundry or dry cleaning establishments, but do not <br /> include businesses where prepared commodities, such as prepared food, beverages or dairy <br /> products are sold. <br /> Grocery stores, confectionery stores, drugstores, or restaurants which offer "take home" food <br /> services as an incidental part of their business shall not be considered drive-in businesses. <br /> It is recognized that automobile service stations are drive-in businesses within the meaning of the <br /> foregoing general definition, but they are excluded from this definition as used herein since they <br /> are treated and defined separately in this Code. <br /> Subd. 53 Drive-up Window. A window or other opening at a business establishment that <br /> allows customers to purchase and/or receive a service or product without having to enter the <br /> building. <br /> Subd. 54 Dwelling. A building or portion thereof, designed or used exclusively for residential <br /> occupancy, including single-family, two-family and multiple family uses, but not including <br /> hotels, motels, nursing homes, boarding or rooming houses, tents, seasonal cabins, or motor <br /> homes or travel trailers. <br /> Subd. 55 Dwelling, multiple. A dwelling containing three (3) or more attached dwelling units. <br /> Subd. 56 Dwelling, single-family. A dwelling that consists of one (1) dwelling unit. <br /> Subd. 57 Dwelling, two-family. A dwelling that consists of two (2) dwelling units. <br /> Subd. 58 Dwelling unit. A residential building or portion thereof intended for occupancy by <br /> one (1) family with facilities for living, sleeping, cooking and eating but not including hotels, <br /> motels, nursing homes, tents, seasonal cabins, boarding or rooming houses, motor homes or <br /> travel trailers. <br /> Subd. 59 Dwelling unit, attached. A dwelling unit which is joined to one (1) or more other <br /> dwelling units. <br /> Subd. 60 Dwelling unit, detached. A dwelling which is not joined to any other dwelling unit, <br /> and is located on a separate lot with the structure surrounded by open space and having a <br /> separate point of entry. <br /> April 21, 2010 2 <br />