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Krist�ne Giga <br />From: .�oyce Manning . <br />�ent: Thursday, Aprif 22, 24'! 0 8:54 AM <br />Too Kris�ine Giga <br />Subject: Katie La�e <br />H i Kristine, <br />f five at 3333 Katie Lane. My offEce is in tf�e front of our k�ouse. In the last week � have seen several <br />HUGE trucks going down our street delivering suppfies to the new house the� are building on the <br />NEW Katie Lane. ii�le have lived here since 198� except for 1 year we moved to a townhause. �� is my <br />understanding that in our absence, there was a meeting regarding our s�reet. [ heard that my <br />neighbors were not in favor af �e-doing our street untii the new addition was completed. And now <br />many years iater, it is only s�arting to be bu�lt on. <br />ihe street in f�ont of aur house is in deplorable condittan. It laaks like slum hausi�g and the rocks alC <br />over our property are a mess. That being said, I think it is a bad decision to re-pa�e our street at this <br />time. These trucks wifl have the s�ree� destroyed before �f�e new homes are completed. The worse <br />part is that ! understan� wh�r they are using our street.....t�er� �s no way for the truckers to turn <br />around once they get an the new street (mos�ly because that street is so narrow►!) and t�ere is no cul <br />de sac. <br />I arx� sure that a[1 the dec�sians have been made but l must protest the repaving at this time. As much <br />as I want the mess in front of our house fixed, I dor�`t think r�Qw is the time. <br />�incerely <br />Joyce Manning <br />