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Page 1 of 1 <br />Kristine Giga <br />From: KIM GRUETZMACHER <br />Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 7:43 AM <br />To: Kristine Giga <br />Subject: Katie Lane Pavement Project <br />Dear Ms. Giga: I am responding to your letter dated Dec 29, 2009 concerning the pavement schedule for <br />Katie Lane. I live at 3 312 Katie Lane. I am somewhat concerned by the timing of this proj ect. First, it <br />amazes me that in a time of national/state crisis in the economy and massive unemployment, that our <br />local govt would think of imposing yet another drain on already tight finances for most households. <br />Second, it is r�ecessary to do this work at all? Is it that critical that Arden Hills spends thi� money now? <br />Or is it like most govt dollars if you don't spend it you lose it? I hope that is not the case but like so <br />many govt and education budgets, next y�ear's dollars are predicated on spending this year's so you get <br />more next year. I hate that philosophy but it appears to have taken hold in most govt funding. <br />So in nutshell, I would vote, if I still had a vote, to NOT do this work until the economy becomes more <br />stable, folks start working again, and save these dollars for more pressing and important matters. And if <br />your answer is we lose those funds, then so be it. I would rather not spend more money that our govt <br />does not have, ie massive deficits. And I surely do not want to find $2,200 in my household budget to <br />fund this. <br />Thank you, <br />Kim Gruetzmacher <br />3312 Katie Lane <br />Arden Hills, l��IN <br />