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Kristi ne G i a <br />�rom: Tony Jordan . _ _ <br />Sento Thursday, April 15, 201 a 2:06 PM <br />To: Kristine Giga <br />Subject: FW: Vafentine Pavement Project <br />From: Tony Jordan <br />Sent� Thursday, Apri� �5, 20�.0 2:04 PM <br />To: 'kr�stine.giga�ciarden-��cs`; 'greg.haag@c�'; '' <br />Subject: Va[ent�ne Pauement Project <br />�#ello Project Contacts, <br />[ just received the Project Update �n the maii today. My concern is tne cost of the �fa{entine Crest Road projecto <br />I am not interested in paying something near $8540 to have our street redar�e wnen it has r�ot deteriorated to the pofnt <br />of being a probfem to the people that live on it. <br />It may be cheaper to have it done now then in 5 to 10 years when it will be a higher priarity but you wilf have more <br />vvilling citiZens at some future point in tirne. <br />`�ou need to come up with another option. <br />Tony.lordan <br />4093 Valentine Cres� Road <br />� <br />