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Mi�ration Consultin� & Trainin�: <br />While work behind the scenes is a critical component to a successful migration, so <br />too is the consulting and training your organization will receive from accredited <br />Springbrook staff. Each migrating client will require varying degrees of consulting <br />and training based on which version your organization is migrating from, coupled <br />with the collection of modules actively used within your organization and how <br />those modules are utilized. <br />The training component will be conducted in a"train the trainer" approach so that <br />your key staff inembers are fully versed on how to properly use the new application, <br />which in turn �vill allow them to train occasional or infrequent users when the need <br />arises. Additional refresher training and/or training on reporting tools is alwa s <br />y <br />welcome but must be requested in advance of the migration. Any additional <br />sessions may require that the consultant/trainer remain onsite for longer period of <br />time and must be a part of the bid proposal. <br />While the maj ority of migration consulting and training will take place onsite, <br />Springbrook's Training and Consulting staff �vill generally begin working with your <br />staff weeks before they physically step foot onsite for the "go live" week. To jump- <br />start the proj ect, trainers and/or consultants may be scheduled by Springbrook's <br />Proj ect Manager to conduct initial telephone conf erence calls, schedule "j ump-start" <br />webinar sessions to introduce and familiarize your staff to the new software and to <br />secure copies of your files for initial review so they can familiarize themselves with <br />your unique operations. Once the migration is complete, Training and Consulting <br />staff may also augment the previously conducted onsite sessions with follow up calls <br />and potential webinar sessions. <br />