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��. EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: March 29, 2010 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br />FROM: Sue Iverson, Acting City Admi�istrator <br />Finance Director/Treasurer <br />SUBJECT: Northwestern College Public Hearing for Tax-exempt Financing <br />Back�round <br />The City Council approved a"Private Activity Revenue Bond Financing" procedure which <br />includes an application pro�ess and fees for those seek�ng to request the City to issue conduit debt <br />on their behalf. Northwestern College has filed an application along with the required application <br />fee of $500 to the City. <br />North�vestern College is requesting �nancing for a new facility — Community Life Commons <br />(student union) for its campus. The maximum amount of financing requested is $9,000,000. The <br />zoning of this project is under the terms and conditions of the PUD agreement between the <br />College and the City approved in October, 2007. The City will be reimbursed and held harrnless <br />for all out-of-pocket expenses related to the financing according to the City's application process <br />and the application filed. According to the City's policy, the City will receive 1/8 of 1% (.125%) <br />of the outstanding principal balance of the bonds annually, the first year this would amount to <br />$11,250 and the bonds are from 5 to 25 years. <br />The City's bond counsel has reviewed the application and has filled out the required DEED <br />ap�lication. The City Council adopted Resolution 2009-029 on October 26, 2009 calling for a <br />public hearing on November 30, 2009. The City held a public hearing on November 30, 2009, <br />and gave preliminary approval to the proposed issuance at that same meeting. <br />Attached are a resolution and a memo from the City's Bond Counsel detailing the bond issuance <br />and requesting final approval. A copy of Northwestern College's application and attachments <br />(including the DEED application), was provided to the City Council in the October 26, 2009 <br />agenda packet. <br />Co�ncil Action <br />Council to adopt Resolution 2010-019, a resolution authorizing the issuance, sale, and delivery of <br />Educational Facilities Revenue Notes (Northwestern �ollege Proj ect), Series 2010; approving the <br />form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of the notes and the related documents; and <br />providing for the security, rights, and remedies with respect to the notes. <br />City Council Meeting <br />\�1Vletro-inet\ardenhills�Admin\Council�Agendas & Packet Information\2010\3-29-10 Regular�Packet <br />Information\Northwestern College_.doc <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />