�Iarch 15, �010
<br />�ebecca Brazys
<br />Deputy Clerk
<br />City af Arden Hills
<br />I�ear Rebecca:
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<br />the urb�.� �omr.�unity! �i�ce the inception o� this �r�gram in 2004, �Quth hav� rais�d �ver
<br />� 11 Q,C�aQ tc� b� distr�but�d to c�v�r 2Q o��a.n���.t�on� s��v��g �out� and farr�ili�� �n tl�� T�in
<br />��t��s. �ar�i���►ar��s c�:c�€�s� w�er� t�.e �.�a��s �a�s�d ��� b�� di�t�����d �y se��c�i�g �n� c��
<br />�o�r� �� ou� �ov��a�� �'a�t�.��s. �Jur �art�ers p�ovid� E�er���c� .��sistar�c�, ��ristn�.a� �n
<br />t�� �ity, ��m.�e� ��,��s, �ea�s fo� ��:e H��e��s�, ��co�e�� ���v��e�, a��. ���.� �.��.�c�
<br />��.mi�y Pro�r�.m� i� some t�f i�e r�os� distr��sed neighb�rhoQds of �h� T�vi� �itiese
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<br />���u.rb���es d�r��:�t�d �c�ds, ����s �:r�d ���k�e ��c� distri��.�es i� to �.�de�served y��.�� a� ��.�
<br />Tv�in �ities. W� hQs� � n�.�anl��r of 1a�� �ve�ts by part�.er�ng wi�th T`�in Cit��s ��.ski�s In.c,
<br />��i� ��I�, F��her� c�� ��r�, �.���, W�ie��ogs� �TS, loc�.� bu���.�e���� an�. ��►I�nte�r� th�.�
<br />��t t� ������ �+��.t�. �+� ����ar�����.'s ��r��t��t p�.�t��,�. �� _ � ������ �s �. ���.�����.� �"�s�.��,�
<br />�'�st���.l ec����et� vc��h. a. ��r�u� p�o��., � s%r�g ��es a��. ec��.�ati���a� ��t����ls ��.� ge�� ya��1�
<br />hoa�.ed ��. � sl���.g. �V� are �o�.ored to c�nt�nue �.s a TakeMeFish��.�� grax�t�e to e��a�e in
<br />th�� servi�e. Individuals can �.lso donate ��ed boais �o suppa�t thes� programs t�.raugh ou�r
<br />�.��� � �:�. i�. ���t� ������.�.�
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<br />�n.�.ke 1ur�s, practice ��.sting a�d are edueated ab�ut all aspects �of f shing in �u�r �reat state.
<br />Ac�t�vitie� prc�v�ded education abo�t ha�itat avvareness, fishing tackle, t�chniques, s�pe�ies
<br />id�nt�� cat�ar� �ad � sh�n� ap�or�:unities �witk� clubs �nd c�m�s �resent a� the fair. Q�ex
<br />2,Oa� �p���►1� att��d�d xhe ��ent l�.st year and 2� 1 � promises io be eve�: bett+er as vve l�ast
<br />the
<br />",Ser��in� �out�i, �'�xmiC� �nc�'�arrzrr�uni�y t�Zrvu��i��s�iin� acna�outaroo��ro�rarr�s"
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