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D#�� �n�terna�on�i Iv�inn�tor���r, M� <br />�1 r ��s��� r ��� � <br />S Flnar���c�t Cc�st �1r�c�� <br />Cc�s� At�a�yst re�or��n� fio th+� �o�c��c�l�er. Dufiie� ir��lud�d mortt'h�y �losir�g sfi�t����nts wY�i�#� <br />�r��lude i�a�ance ��hee� and ir��ar�e sta�e�nent �nd variance ana�ys�s. Respans�b�� ��r <br />c�r�soli�lr��ir�g f�e balc�nc� sl�ee� and ir�come s#a��rr���t �c�� far�ig� �ffi�es �n �ermany. <br />�r�r�ce, Engfan�l, A�s�r��ia ar�d �ingap�r� wifh our dornesi��c �I��#s in �al�fornia anc# <br />- IV�ir�nesc�ta. �u�ir�g �h��s t��ne I aMso ��s respor�sif�l� for �h� ca�t ar�d fnv�n�ory c�re�s in the <br />cc�nwersior� �o �u� new ERP sys�em �BAAN}. <br />+Cerr�plc�s ��rd �ervic+�s Shafcop��., Nthl <br />5 J � 997-4 / 1 �9$ <br />C�Sf �CC4 tJf it�7��'/�1�?c�l�C� �U�7�rVl� <br />Cost a�coun�ant r�por�in� fo fihe �ost A�cour��ar�� �vlar�ager a� �he r�a�r� office ir� <br />Pe�tr�sy�var�ia c�n�l the Divis��n rnt�nag�r in Shako�ee. Th� posE�ian c��s� supervised t�e payrc�ll <br />ar�d #�h� pc�y�b�e:� s�a#f. �th�r dut�es ��cluded rn�n�h�y c�ose repc�rti�g, ��oss mc�r�in analys�s. <br />jab �ost�n�► sys�e�� r�ain#er�ar�c� ar�d vt��iance c�nc�lys�s. <br />Lu��as A�rvsp���, �ecr��d syster�s �ark City, UT <br />�r 1 ���� � ��� <br />���t ���� �����t���������� �►►��1� <br />,. _ __ _ _ _ <br />�ost a�cour�tant r��c�r�ir�� �o �he Di�ecf�� �f �i�c��c�. R�spon�i�le �or k�ud��ting, c��fi <br />c�11e�t�o� and ��p�rting �or th� c�ivis�ons g�v�rt�r�er�fi �osfil��us pro�ram�. aurir�g th�s �ime 1 was <br />c�asc� the resporisik��� �o� the �n�i�� �xp�ns� budge� far �he cor�n�oar�y. !� ea�ly 1997 I�r�a�ed <br />c�nd lead a��aecia� pro�ect �h�� �es�E��d ir� f�e ial�nfiifiic�tior� ar�c� cost ����ve�r of $l5� o� <br />d�fe�fi�ve 4tems f�-��t fih� �on�p�ny �rvas �harg�c� c�nd not reimbu�se�i by �h� sup�lEer. <br />8 � 19�5-21 � 996 <br />A� a ferial Plr�r�n,er <br />Ivtat��ia�s P��+nr�er r�po�ti�� t� the Pr��ur�ment Iv�anc�er. Responsi�i�i���s ���Ivd�d ��e p�annin� <br />and acqu�����on of ��� �he comp�n�n#s �o� one ofi t�e i�rg�s� produ�� Ifines. Annual n�a��r�a� <br />con�rol a� c��ap��x.i�na#ely $� i�. �ufiEes Enc�uc�ed vv�re �rr�p�e�ent�r�� �ai�ls c�� �afier�al into th� <br />1v�R� syst+�rn, r�anagirrg m�s�eri�l requ�r�rr��nts. �rder ����du�e reE�c�s� t�nd mc���ri�l cos� <br />�onfiro�. In six we��ks af�er �c�k�ng ov�r th� posit�c�n f was �ble �o r�du�e mach��ne dawn��m� k�y <br />red�cing �lelinq���� orde�s to t#�� sh�p flaar �ro�n 4D%a to �%. T#�is vvas m�in#a�n�d afi ��� u�fil I <br />vrras �rom��er� fit� c���c�ur�ting. <br />bj I�94-��1��5 <br />Pr�,�,rr� ���r��n�tor <br />Ntat�r�al confir�� �c�sifiivr� repo�fifn� to th� Iv�an��r af Asse�i��y and Test. Acc��n��b�� fo� �h� <br />�lanr�ir�g �r�t� �o��rcl�na���n �f ov�r 1�a d�ff�r��fi m�n�fa�tur��i t��d p�srchas��l pa�ts c�t���y. <br />Redueed p�oduc t del�y frc�rn � 2 mon�hs fi� 3 mo�t#�s ir� �ne yea�. <br />�d��atit�r�: <br />V��I�y Ci�y Sfia�e Universi�y �VC�U� �/l 9�2 t� 5/1994 <br />B.S, �usin�s� Ad��n�stratio� �C�ncentr���an Ac�oun�i�g1 <br />Univers��y of I�c���� DakF�ta �U�C�� '9/ � 989 �a 1�� � 991 � <br />� <br />� <br />l�ot�or�A�trv�tl�s � <br />Rece�ved fi�� �utsfianc��ng �lceoun�fn� Stud�nfi Award far ��93�199�4 a# V�SU. �eci�i�n� �� th� �DU ' <br />sch�larship ��93 a� V�SU. Part���pa�ed on ��e �l�S�i Varsity go�f team in 19��. Nl�mber of t�� Del�a <br />Up�ilon �rc��+�rni�y c�� Uf�D. Iv�emb�r of F�nc�nc� �e�ders�ip �ou�cil St. �e�i�ias church i� S#�orevi�w <br />, <br />��Ot��] H��►� ��.L�,� SI��iI�IS �DLZ9�L��9I X'�� 8�: iT �Q���ZZ/GU <br />