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DRAFT <br /> D. To provide opportunities for a variety of businesses to diversify the <br /> City's commercial base. <br /> E. To create a unified development where people can live, work, and <br /> play. <br /> E. To create a pedestrian and bicycle friendly community. <br /> G. To implement design standards to promote an attractive environment <br /> with lasting and sustainable value. <br /> H. To group compatible retail and service business uses that tend to draw <br /> trade that is naturally interchangeable and promotes business prosperity. <br /> 1. To minimize the effects of traffic congestion, noise.: odor, glare, and <br /> similar safety problems. <br /> 1320.05 Land Use Chart. <br /> Not Completed <br /> 1320.135 Special Requirements of the Mixed Residential and Nixed Business Districts. The <br /> Mixed Residential and Mixed Business Districts encompass a portion of the former <br /> Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) ,.,,;,robert., y. This property represents a <br /> significant opportunity to expand the. City's mix of housing types, businesses, parks, <br /> and open spaces. The information and procedures in this section are intended to be a <br /> framework .for which a detailed development plan for these two districts will be <br /> created. The development plan must be a cohesive master plan that is cost-effective, <br /> does not burden the existing cnmunty, and advances the goals of Arden Hills and <br /> the 2031. Comprehensive Plan. In reviewing and approving a master plan, the City <br /> Council shall .make the final determination on the compatibility and consistency with <br /> purpose of the MB and 14R Districts and all provisions in this and related sections of <br /> the City Ordinance. <br /> Subd 1. General: Procedure. 1n order to achieve the purpose of the Mixed <br /> Residential and Mimed Business Districts, a reuse plan for the entire property shall be <br /> prepared through the Master Planned Unit Development(PUD) process. This process <br /> promotes the reuse of land in a unified manner by treating the entire development as a <br /> single entity while recognizing the unique nature of the property. The procedure shall <br /> be as follows: <br /> A. Applicant shall meet with City Staff to clarify and determine PUD <br /> requirements and discuss applicant's development concept. <br /> B. Applicant shall submit PUD Concept Plan to the City. <br /> DRAFT:4/1/2010 <br /> Page 4 of 16 <br />