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I�a�ha�-xne J. P�te�s - <br />313 8 Shareline �ane - <br />Arden Hi11s, Minnes�ta SS �� 2 <br />��5 � } 765-U7� � . <br />� t651 } 3 �8-b3 �5 - <br />ka�yjpeters�a gma��.cax� � ':: � <br />�IVc�rk Exp�rience <br />Se�tember 2�0'l-p�resent � I�n the Heart o� t�.e Beas� Theatre �Vlin��apo��s, �'�I� - <br />Financi�a� 1VY�nage� .. <br />• P�rfar� a�� in-house bo�kk��ping and accounting �ur�cfio�s = <br />• Prepar� and present m�nthly financi�i sta�emen�s fo� financ� �ommi��ee - <br />� • Prepar� and execute pay�oll for �I1 sta�f and temp�rary warke�-s <br />• �xe�u�e tax r��ortir�g and fling such as s���s ��x and 1�99 <br />• Su�ervise, train and ave�s�e off�c� ass��fiant <br />• S�pervis� a�d reeor�cil�� a�l box aff�ce recei�ts . <br />� iVlor��to� casi� f�ows �nd rec�rrim�nd cash m�r�ag�menf s�rat���es <br />•�vers�e, st�f#, �nd m�nag� money collecfi�n of M�yDay pa�a�e and festiva� - <br />• I nt��a�� with IT �irrn on iss�es with s�rve� and cc�rr�pu�e� managernenfi <br />• IIlianag� and reconcil� dvnor accounts rec�i�rab�e <br />�Tovem�ber 2a�3��u�ust 2��7 �innes�t�. Trucl�i�g Assocxation S�. P�,u�, l�'Il� . <br />A��o�x�ting & �Vlember Services Assoc�a#e � <br />• Performed all in-�a�s� bookk�eping and ac�our�tin� �unct�ons far the M�A <br />• �xecuted �ax r�port�n� a�t� filing su�h �s sales and us� �ax �nd 109� � <br />•�1llon�to�ed cash fEows and recar�mend�d cas� rrtanagem�nt s�r�#�gies <br />• i111ana�ed Envento�y, pr�cing, sales, and ord�r ful�illment f�r f�rms :. <br />• A�t�d �s �h� sta� lead f�r the Registr�t�on & Tax Cauncii, r�sponsibi�it�es included s�e�king � <br />� and boak�ng other spe�kers, co�rdinating mem�er attendan�e, overseeing catering, wri��r�� <br />agendas, faci�itating�mee�in�s, and typ�ng mir�u�es --- <br />• An�w+ered, r�s�a�-ched, ar�� wr�fie and �ev�lap�d paper r�sat�rc�� on r�gulatory q�estia�s <br />�rorri rner��e�s �y ut���zing ind�stry and ��vernment rela�ionships � <br />• C��ated, dc�c�umented, and impE�ment�d �arr�pany cr��it pc�li�y <br />• 11Urate content f�r the m��nber pubiica�ior�s on �urr�n� legislati�n and feder�l anc� s�ate -. <br />trucking regul��i�ns � � <br />• Rese�rched a�d comp�led na�ionwide lis�s of tir�e�y �ruc�ir�g regu�ations - <br />. • �oordEnated affi�e m�v� inc�udir�� o�taining �-noving quotes, purch�sing n��nr ��rni�ure, and <br />ac�ing as th� �an-site s�a�f le�d for the mo�e _ <br />• Investi����d, infi�rfa�ed wi�h ve�tdors: �nd wrote proposa� with fina�cial �e�ails �ar fhe . <br />p�rchase of a new ��fice mac�ines ar�d so�finrare � <br />• Inferfaced w�th IT firn� an issues wtth serve� and carnpu�er mana�em�n� � <br />• Canducted a feasibi�ity s�udy far impl�menting a f�lr� libra�y for mem�ers <br />�a� 2�43-N��remb�r 2��3 N�inr��sota T���i.r�g Asso�i�,tion St. Fau�, N� . <br />Administrat�ve Assistan� <br />• Perfo�med al� �ai�y offc� fun�t�ons <br />C�ct. ��0�1-Apri12�Q3 ��f ce �'earn <br />S�. �'au��, l�'Il� <br />.�1�in�esata Pub��c �adia Data ex�try : <br />• Processed customer �ledge informafian � � �� <br />�S Bank �.�caur�t services- <br />sultab�lity <br />+� �3es�gned � norm�lized �elafiional datab�se that r�du�ed �he amo�nt �� d��a entry by 5�% <br />• 1Nrote tutori�� �n h��nr to use, trou�l�shoot, and maEr�t�in th� data�ase <br />• Processed inwestment app�ica�iar�s . <br />Burne� T�tle Assis��t �l�si�zg �oo�dinatt�r <br />.; <br />