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4�dinanee 2Q10-4�0 <br />STATE O� MI��ESaTA <br />CO�NTY OF R.AMSE� <br />CITY OF ARDE� I-�I�LS <br />ORDI�A�1C� 2Q1Q-a10 <br />AN �RDI�IANCE AMENDING THE LAl�ID USE REGU�ATIONS FOR T�E FORMER <br />TWIN CI'�IES AR�VIY AN��VIijNITIOI�IS PLANT AI�ID DEFINITIQI�S WI'THI1'� THE <br />Z4NING CODE <br />�'he Arde� HIIIs City Council hereby orc�ains t�a� Chap�er 13, Sections � 305.04. 13 l 5.4 �, <br />�320.04, 1320.05, anc� 132�.06 oft�e C�ty Code are hereby arr�ended a�d Section � 324.135 of the <br />C�ty Cade ts he�eby addec� as fo��ows: <br />1345.04 Definitions. <br />Subd. 1 Acre. A quant�ty of �and containing forty-three tho�sand, five hu�dred and <br />slxty (43,560) sc�uare fee� or one l�u�c�red sixty �� 60) sq�are rads in whatever s�ape and <br />pa�tern (e.g. c�rcular, square, trian�ular, irregular, broad or narro�v}. <br />Subd. 2 Acre, net (as app��ed to Pt1D densi�y caiculatlons). One (1 } aere o� land, <br />min�s the t�vo-�hirds (2/3} of that portion af �I�e �cre encompassed bv wetlands, or�e-hal� <br />( I�2) o� that portior� of tl�e acre eneompassing vvholly or par��al�y h i��s. mo�nds, or slopes <br />t�at drop a� a ra�e of twe�ve percent � 12%} or mar�e per every f f�ee� ( l 5) feet or more of <br />drstance; and the entrre area of pub��c streets. <br />Subd. 3 Adm�nistra�ive aff eer. Th� zon�ng administrator; bu�ld�ng inspector, the�r <br />deputies ar assistants, and any ot�er offc�a�s af the c�ty ehar�ed with ar engaged �n the <br />adm�n�strat�on of th�s Code or any portio� thereof. <br />Subd. 4 Adm�nistra�or. The zoning administratar. <br />Subd. 5 Agricultural uses. �ses customarily assoeiated with the �rowlnb of farm <br />produce and the raisin� af farm animals for genera� use: but not includin� ralsing and <br />f�ed�ng �feed Iats} of IrvestQck, fur farms and kenne�s. <br />Subd. 6 A�teratian. As appl�ed to a bu�ld��g or structure, a change or rea�-rangement �n <br />�he structural parts or �n t�e exlsting faei�it�es, or an eniargement, �hether by extending <br />on a side or by increasing in height, ar hy moving from one location to ano�her. <br />Subd. 7 A1ley. A minor pubiic �r pr�vate wa}� which �s used primarily �or veh�cu�ar <br />service aceess to the baek or side of a lot abutting on a street. <br />DRAFT: 6124/2a10 <br />Page 1 of 49 <br />