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�rc�ina�ce Za�0-410 <br />Subd. 15 B�uff. A topagraphic feature such as � hi�l, c��f�, ar embankment having the <br />fal�Qwing �haraeteristics �an area �vith an a�er�.ge slope af Iess than 18 percent aver a <br />distance for 50 feet or more shal� �o� be cor�sidered par� Q��he bluff}: <br />(f4 dded 02/22/10) <br />(�) Par� or a�i af the feat�re �s loeated �n a shoreland area; <br />(2) T'he slope rises at ��as� 25 feet above the ordinary high water Ieve� of the <br />water �ody; <br />(3} The grade afthe slope from the toe of the b�uff to a paint 25 feet ar more <br />above the ordi�ary h�gl� water Ieve� averages 34 percen� or greater; and <br />(4) �e slope must drain toward the wate�-body. <br />Subd. 16 Bluff �mpact zane6 A b�uff and Iand lacated v��thin 24 feet from the �op o� a <br />b�� ff. (Added �12/22/10) <br />Subd. �7 Bo�.rde The board of appeals ar�d adJus�ment estab�ished by �his Code. <br />Subd. 18 Board�n� �ouse. A structure where sleepin� roams are �rovided, w�th a <br />cQmmon entranee, internal access to a�� rooms� one Q� } or more bathrooms, and one �1 } or <br />more kitchens ta provide Iod��n� for at �east three (3) bu� not exceed�n� five (S) persons. <br />A board�ng ha�se is d�stin�u�shed from a trans�ent aecamrnodat�an such as a hotel or <br />mote� as def ned in this chapter. (A�ded 7/7�l D� <br />Subd. 19 Boulevard. That port�on of a stre�t lyin� between t�e �ater�� line of the <br />roadway port�or� the�eaf (i.e., the back of the curb or curb line} and the right-o�=way �ine <br />thereof whic� may conta�n with�n its boundaries a sidewal� or portion of dr�veway. <br />��bd. 20 Build�ng. A str�cture whTch is designed and sultable for the habitation ar <br />shelter o� hu�nan beir�gs or animals, or a s�e�ter Qr storaae af prop�rty, or is used for trade <br />or manufactu�-�ng. <br />Subd. 21 Build�ng Iir�e. A line paralle� to a�Qt �ine or the o�di�ary �l�h water �evel at <br />�the requ�red setback beyond w�ich a structure may no� extend. (Revised 02/22/10) <br />Subd. 22 BUIIC�ll1b, aceessory structure or use. A subordinate bu�Iding s�ruc�ure or use <br />vv�ich is �oeated an the sarr�e Iot on whlch the principa� building ar use is si�ua�ed and <br />which is reasonable neeessary, appropriate a�d inciden�al ta the conduct of t�e primary <br />�se of such principa� bt�ilding ar pr�ncipa� use. <br />Subd. 23 Bui�d�ng envelope. (See Lot, Buildab�e port�on of } <br />Subd. 24 Bu1ld�ng height. The vert�cal distar�ce from the average e�evatlon of the grade <br />a�ong a face of a bui�ding to the highest pa�nt o� the roof surface of flat roofs, the deck <br />line of mansard roofs, or the average height �e�ween the eaves and �he highest rid�e of <br />DRAFT: 6f24/2010 <br />Page 3 of 49 <br />