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�rdinance 201 Q-410 <br />Subd. 34 �1ear-eu�ting. The �ornplete ren�oval o� trees or shrubs in a cant�guous pate�, <br />str�p, ro�v, or' b�oc�. (Revised OZ/22/1 Q} <br />�ubd.35 ���n�c. A buildir�g fo�- out-patien� medic�l treatmer�t of hu��ans or sma11 <br />animals. <br />S�bd.36 Clubs and lodges. Bui�d�ngs and fac�lities owned and operate� by a <br />eorpora��on ar assoc�at�an of persons �ar socia�, recreat�anal, chari�able. educational or <br />c�ltura� purpQses, but not operated prlmarily for proft or for purposes which a�e <br />c�stamar�ly assaciated w�th a busine�s. <br />Subd. 37 Clubs, sports and itness. A place o� assembly where membership may be <br />re��ired and is d�rected �oward the general publ�c with the cammerc�a� pramotion of <br />sports anel physical f tness. <br />Subd.38 C�mm�ss�on. The Plann�ng Cammission, as established by �he Cade of <br />ardlnances, C�ty of Arden HiIIs, Chapter 2. <br />Subd.39 Co�nmerc�al recreation, indaor. A eammercial recreat�o�al Use conducted <br />v�ith�n an er�c�osec� bul�din�, Includ�n� arcade, arena, art Qailery, a�semb�y hall, athlet�c <br />and �ealth elubs, auditc�rium, bowlina al�ey, cl�b or lQun�e, commun�ty cen�er, �ool or <br />b��I�ard ha�I, or a variety of oraan�zee� or f�anc��sed sports, �nclud�n� but nat llm�ted to <br />�aske�bal�, lee hockey, wrest�ing. soccer, tennis and Wo�ieyball. Th�s def nition does �at <br />�ncluele public uses on publ�c �ra�er�y. (Added 7/7/IOJ <br />Subd. �0 Comprehensive p�an. A cQ��pila��on of po�icy statements, goais� sta�dard and <br />maps for guiding the physica�, sociai and economic development, both pr-ivate and publ iE, <br />of t�e c�ty and �ts environs and rnay �ne�ude, but is not limited to, the foilow�ng items: <br />Statements of poiieies, boa�s, standar�s, a land use p�an, a eor�m�nity fac�llties plan. a <br />�ransportation pla� and recommendatians for plan execution. <br />DRAF�: 6f24/2Q1 a <br />�'age 5 of 49 <br />