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4�-ai�ance ZQ10-410 <br />Su�d. 116 �awest �loo�. ��e �owest flaor af the Iawes� enclased area (�ne�uding <br />basemen�}. An unfn�shec� or f�aoc� resistant enc�osure, used salely for pa�-king af <br />veh�cles, build�r�g access, ar storage In an area other �1�an a basement area; is not <br />cans�derec� �. build��g's �ov�est floar. (�dded QS/OSf10) <br />Subd. � 17 N�an�factu�-ed home. A str�c�ure, trans�or�able �r� one ar mare sections, <br />w��E� �s built on a permar�ent chassis and des�g�ec� ta be �sed as a dwell�ng w�th or <br />withoU� a permane�t foundat�an when connected to t�e re�u�red uti��ties, and includes the <br />plumbi�g, hea�ing, air condi�ianing, an� elect�-�cal syster�s cantained therein; except �hat <br />the terrn in��udes any structure which meets alI the requirements and w�th respeet ta <br />whic� �he manufacturer voluntarily f�es a certi�cation and complies wi�h the standards <br />established under this Cade and Minnesota State Statutes as a�nended fror� time �a t�me. <br />�I�e term "manufactured home" does not include the term "recreational vehicle." (Revised <br />Qs�os�lo1 <br />Subd. 118 Manufac�uring and process�ng. AI� uses whlch include ��e cornpour�d�ng, <br />process�ng, p�Ekaging, treatment, or assembiy of products and materia�s. Generai�y, <br />these are �r�dustries dependent upon raw materlals refned elsewhere. These uses �nclude, <br />but are not l�mited to: fab�-ication af woad, metal, and piastic products; assembly o� <br />e�ectronic components, equi�ment, and appliar�ees; processing of chemicals, �lastics, <br />�ood p�oducts, and nonalcaholic bever�ges; r�a�ufacturing of clothing and text�le <br />products; c��str�bu�ion ce�ters, lumber yards, print�ng and binding shops, machine shops, <br />sheet meta� sl�ops, sign shaps, con�ractor's shops and storage yards. <br />A. Class �: Above uses withau� exter�or s�arage. <br />B. ��ass II: Above uses w��h perm�tted exter�or starage. <br />Subd. 119 Metes and bounds. A method of prape�-ty deseription uti��zing directions and <br />distances commencing fro�n �nd �erminatin� at an eas�iy identi�able point. <br />Subd. �Z� IWlinera� extraet�on. �he use o� Iand for surface ar subsurface rernoval of sand, <br />�rave�, roek, industrial minera�s, ar�d other non�netall�c mir�era�s not re�ulated under <br />M�nn. Stat. Chapts. 93.�4 - 93.5 �; or Successor Sta�utes. M�n�ral extraetion daes not <br />inc�ude ��ad�nQ and excavatin� as defned in this Cha��er. (Aa�i�ed 7/7/�Q) <br />Subd. 121 1Vlinin�. The extract�on of more than fo��- hundred (400) c�bic yards of sa�d, <br />gravel. a� at�er ea�th �naterlal f�orr� a single parc�� or per acre of land, wh�chever is <br />breater, �n such a manne� as to red�ce the grade. <br />Subd. 122 Mo�ile home. A manufac�ured home designed, construc�ed, and equlpped for <br />use as a singie-�amiiy dwell�ng, wh�ch has a w�dth af less than twe�ty (20) feet over mare <br />tha� twenty-�ive (25) perce�t of �ts length; or which is not placed on a perrnanent <br />fat��da�ion compiy�ng with the req�irements of t�� sta�e ��ilding eode or which is no� <br />eontinuaus and solid for the entire perimeter of the s�ructure. <br />DRAFT: 6t24/20 � � <br />Page 13 of 49 <br />