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ardinance 2014-010 <br />Subd. 215 Wet�ands. Trans�t�ar�al 1Qw-�y�ng areas be�ween terrestria� and aquatic <br />systems, either created or natural, cQvered wit� sha�low �nd somet��nes ternporary or <br />in�ermittent �vaters as c�ef ned in the United Sta�es Fish a�� WiI�1�fe Service �ircu�ator <br />�10. 3g. Th�s includes, but is r�c�t Ii�n�t�d to swamps, marshes, bags. sloughs, wet <br />�neadov�s, and sha��aw �akes and ponds with em�rgent vegetat�o�. (Revised QZ/22/10) <br />S�bd. 216 Wetland alte�a�ian. Altera�ion of a wetla�d �ncl�des cha�ges to t�e wetland <br />and/or wetlan� buffer s�r�p in regards tQ s�ze, dep�h or contour; dredgir�g; ti���r�g; <br />dam�n�ng; alterat�on af �he watercaurse; d�t�h��g; tiling; grad�ng; dra�n�ng; �ischarge o� <br />water; appropriat�or� of water; c�anges in vegeta�tlon; or otherw�se a�tering or destroying a <br />wetland ar we��and buffer or their functions. Alteratio�s would �ot ine�ude I�1at�ve <br />Vegetation p�antings or s�Iective ele�r�ng or pruning af prahib�ted or restricte� nox�aus <br />vveeds, �nless w��hi� a Dralnage and U����ty Easement in w��ch case s�bmissian of and <br />writ�en approva� by the Ci�y �s requ�red. (Added OZ/22/l0) <br />Subd. 21� Wet�and buffer str�p. An area of vegetated ground cover araund the perimeter <br />of a wetlar�d that, either �n its �at�ra� cond�t�an or �through in�erve.ntian, has ti�e <br />eharacter�stics of b�ffer�ng the wetland from surrounding �andscaping. (Addec� (12/22/l0) <br />Subd. 218 VtTe�land delineation. An assessment taol ut�I�zed to dete�m�ne the bounda�y <br />of a we�land using the �S Army Corps af Engineers Wetla�d De�ineation M�.nual <br />(January 1987) as well as any additional boundary de�erm�nat�on requiremen�s <br />establ�shed i� N�innesota Ruies Chapter 842Q. A"Wetland Delineation Report" is a <br />doeume�t that summarizes the observations, results and canclusio�s perfarmed �uring <br />t�e assessment when wetlands a�e present. (�dded 02/�Z/ID) <br />Subd. 219 Yard, front. A yard exte�c�ing along the full Iength of ti�e frant Iot Iir�e <br />betweer� ��e s�de �ot ��nes. <br />Subd. 22Q Yard, min�m�m re�u�red. T�e minimum open space ex�end��g between a <br />m�n��um b�i�ding setback ��ne a�d the adjoin�r�g lot l��e �r� wh�ch a pri�c�ple bui�din� <br />may not �e placed and in w��ch accessory buildings may only be placed as regulated in <br />th�s Code. <br />Subd. 221 Yarc�, rear. A yard extend�ng across the fu1� w�dth a� the Iot and measured <br />bet�veen the �ear �ine af the lot and �he rear ��ne af the �a�n b�ilding. <br />Subd. 222 Yard, side. A ya�-d between ��e bu��d�ng and the adjacent sideline of the �ot <br />and extend�ng f�ar� the front yard to the rear yard. <br />Subd. 223 Yard Area, re�uirec� rear. T�e minimum requi�ed rear yard depth multiplled <br />by �he average wid�h af the total rear yard. <br />Subd. 224 Zan�nb map. The map ar �naps incarporated into this Code as a part hereof, <br />delinea��ng t�e zoning districts. <br />QRAFT: 6/24l2010 <br />Page 26 of 49 <br />