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O�c�inance 201�-ai0 <br />DRAFT. 6/24/2Q10 <br />D. To integrate a c�evelop�e�� on the farmer �CAAP property wit� t�e <br />deveioped part of Arden I-�i��s. <br />E. To provide oppor�un�ties for a variet� of bus��e�ses ta diversi�y the <br />C�ty's comrrlerc�a.� base. <br />F. �'o ereate a un��ed develapr�ent where peop�e can �ive, v�ork, and <br />play. <br />G. �'o c�-eate a�edestrian and b�cyc�e f�endly commun�ty. <br />�--I. T�o implernent des�gn standards �o promate an attract�ve environment <br />w�th �as��ng and s�stainable va�ue. <br />�. To grQup �o�npatib�e retai� a�d ser�iee business uses tha� tend to d�aw <br />trade �hat is natt�ra�ly interehangea��e and promotes bus�ness prosperity. <br />J. To m�ni�nize the effects of traffic congest�on, no�se, odor, glare, and <br />simiiar safety problems. <br />Page 29 of 49 <br />