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�utdoor L� uor Consum tion. ��� <br />The �ou�cil may al�aw any licensee t� sel� or serve int�xicating l�quors �n areas o�tside the <br />�ui�di�g structure pro�ided that all per�inent prov�sions of the zoning code �.re satisfied and all <br />the follow��g conditions are met: <br />1) �'he outside drir�king area �ust be i�mediately adjaceni to ancl contiguous vc�ith the <br />structure contair�ir�g the licensed pre�ises. <br />2) �ff-street �arking spaces may not be reduced �elow �he �urnber req�ired by t�e Zoning <br />Code, if the �ic�nsed premises, together w�th t�e o�tside drinking area, v�ere to be �ev�ly <br />constructed. <br />�) Outside drinking areas �nusi, in a�ldition to ot��r requiren�.ents of law, �ave a barrier, or <br />ot�er enclosure, to protect patrons frorn ar�y �azards, including vehicu�ar traffic and <br />parking areas. This can �nclude, but is no� limite�i �o, landscapi�g, p�anters, and �enc�ng. <br />3j Outside drin��ng areas can not be �ocated on pu�lic �roper�y o� �n any siree�, alley, or <br />sidewa��, or obstruct ve��cular or pedestrian �raffic o� any street, alley or sidewalk. <br />4j T�e Council m�:y deny any app��cation for an o��side drinking area w�ere it has reason io <br />�elieve, or may revoke its pe�ission for an outside dr�r�king a�ea where it is satisfied, <br />�hat the impact of t�� outside drinking area on adjoining properiy u�ill be, or has been, <br />�.ny of ihe following. <br />�. <br />�. <br />C. <br />D. <br />E. <br />F. <br />Lo�d, boistero�s or dist�rb�ng noise levels; <br />I�azardous traffic cond�tions; <br />Offe�sive, obr�oxious, or disturbing odors; <br />�xcessive litter; <br />Excessi�e artif cial lighii�g; <br />Substa�zia� decrease in adjoining proper�y values; or <br />�. Any o��er condi�ion inconsi�t�nt witl� the reasonabl� use and enjoyment of <br />adjoining properiy ancl ir�consistent wit� the healt�, safe�, n�orals, and �eneral <br />welfare of �he adjoining neighbors or community. <br />2010 City Liquor �icense Application Page 6 0� i S <br />