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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JUNE 219 2010 4 <br /> 2.A TCAAP Public Auction Process Update and Discussion (continued) <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff then reviewed the latest revisions made to the <br /> zoning regulations for TCAAP regarding the environmental sustainability section. He questioned r <br /> if the Council would like to hold a work session meeting prior to next week's meeting <br /> Mayor Harpstead did not feel the work session meeting was necessary. The Council was in <br /> agreement. He encouraged staff to consider placing language within the zoning regulations to <br /> assure the land transfer occurs with Ramsey County parks and if not, that additional park <br /> dedication be required. <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff stated he would consider how to phrase this <br /> within the regulations or create a chart based on the land sold or transferred. <br /> Councilmember McClung expressed concern about the discussion at the last meeting regarding <br /> tax exempt and institutional property. He did not feel any schools were necessary on the TCAAP <br /> site. He questioned if the items omitted would be challenged in the future and if further <br /> information could be provided to the Council. <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff explained he would speak with the consulting <br /> attorney further on this issue and report back to the Council. <br /> B. 2011 Prelimina , Budget Discussion <br /> Finance Director Iverson indicated the 2011 budgets had been sent to department heads for <br /> review. The City was under current levy limits and the current estimate was 1.68%, however this <br /> would not be set until early July. The City did not levy to the full limit for the 2010 budget cycle. <br /> She stated the fire and police budgets were expected to increase for 2011. <br /> Finance Director Iverson requested direction from the Council on how to proceed with the 2011 <br /> budget at this time. She indicated the park fund was running with a negative balance and <br /> questioned how this issue should be addressed. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested the staff budget for park maintenance from the general fund. He did <br /> feel the City would need a tax levy change or increase for 2011, however, this could not go above <br /> the statutory limit. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated he would support a 0% increase in the tax levy. He stated fire <br /> and police increases should be offset by revenues and not fund balances. Given the current <br /> economic environment the residents are not receiving wage increases and the State has a poor <br /> fiscal outlook. He requested the City remain ultra conservative. <br />