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s�.pp��me�tai as�essme�� �o�� �n th� �ia.ture �� �e s�ubdi�isian �f t�� �n�ri�hs <br />�'ropert� occurs. <br />B. ���chs agre�s that: <br />1. I� �r11I p�y �he specia� ass�ss.r��nt of o�e E 1} �a�� U��t pua�s�a�� to the <br />te�ns of the Specz�.� ,�ss�ssrnen� �eso�u.t�an t� b�e adap�e�. by ��� Ci�y for <br />�e 201 � �'�VIF. <br />2. �t wi�� �ay ��� equ�vale�t t�� ��e spe���l �ssessm��� far a se�o�c� Lot L1n�t <br />when a subc�ivisior� of t�ae ��ichs Prt�per�y occ�rs �n the €�uture, <br />3. ��r�c�� agxees th�� �f �h� ��ri�hs pxaperty is St��(�.I�'1£��t� tn�o �v�a ��} <br />parcels, t�e new�y creat�d sec�n� �a��e� �v��l h�ve reee�ve�. � sp�c�a1 <br />bene�t equ�� �o � th� �,at U��� asses�mer�� lev�ed �� t�e ���r �'o�r t�� 20�� <br />�'MP. <br />�. �'�e �ayment u��1� be c��e a.�d o�ri�g pr���r �� the C��y's sta�n� of ap�ara�a� <br />i�.� ��� C���C� O�' ��� �31�.� �V�l1C.� �������t�S �i1� ��1��'�' Stl�t'�1'�1Sl.C}�. <br />4.{} '�erm���t�or� �f �greex�en�. If �.he �nric�s Prop��y �s nat s�.b��v�de� into �vva �2} lots <br />�i���n thirty �3�) y�a�s o� th� da�e an ��i�h t�e ��ty ad�pts t�e ass�ss�e�t �esol�.��on .. <br />�o�- th� 2{� 1� PM�', t�is .1�gr��x�e�t sha�l be�a�e n�l� ��t� �oxd �nd s�a�� r�ot be bx�t���� ��� <br />on E��r�c�s o�- �e�r su�cessc�rs a�d as����s. <br />S.� Successarrs and Assigns. ��ce�at as hereYn al�ave prc��it�ed, t�i�s A�r�er�.�x�t �ha.�� b� <br />bi��x�� �gon th� parties, t�e�r ����-s, ��ccessars an� assig�s. <br />2 <br />