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�e�ei��d A��c�s� 3s ��'� E� <br />'�'o: St�n Ha�-pstead, David �ran�, Bre�c�a Ho�den, Fran Hol�nes anc� Dave McClung; <br />Re: Pa�rement Management Assess�nents for �atie Lane <br />Dan and Janice Christensen own the ho�e �ocated a� 33 � 4 Ka�.ie Lane ir� Arden �iils. <br />We own twa Iots for our ane �esidence. Vt�e �aWe no intent�on of �ver sp�it���g t�e lots or <br />seI�ing them separatel�. We would li�e to rec�ues� the assessr�ent on aur seeQnc� �o�t be <br />deferred. <br />V�te pu�-chased the extra lot which had ar� easer�ent that �vauld h�v� p�t a ha�zse <br />unacceptab�y elose �o ours. We felt that a house bu��� on ��at Iat �ro�x�d r�ega�i�e�y a�feet <br />ou� proper�y va�ue. Sinee tha� ��me we �ave extensively Ia�dscaped a.�d c�eve�apec� �he <br />extra Iat, ��ong with t�e origina�, as one property. an th�� extra lo� we have a s�ream, <br />waterfall, br�dge, ��rge �or�d, extensive gardens, stone patio, v�a��ng p�ths, ��gh�ing, �re <br />pi�, garc�er� ho�se and a batting cage with a ho�sed p�tch�ng rnaei�ine. We h��e a Iot of <br />swea� equ%ty i�vo�vee� as v�e did this ai� �urse�ves. �Ve have an irrigatian system �hat is <br />throughout both properties as o�e and wauld be very di��icu�t ta s��i�. <br />�e �ontacted t�e ci�y in 200� w��n m��l anet overlay was �rs� proposed with the quest�o� <br />o� our twa proper�ies and assessrr�en�s. At t�at t��e, we v�ere ta�d �hat o��- �o�s would be <br />listed as two on t�e assessment ro��s but we �ra��d want �o atter�c� t�e asses�r�er�t hearing <br />�a request that ane of o�r assessrnents be deferred to a t�rne �r� the future �he� vve sell aur <br />home and the new property ov��ers divid� the lots back to separate �roperties. We were <br />thi�king this wou�d be a si�p�e process. �Te eor�tacted the city �n I�arch of this year <br />about th�s process and �ecent�y Iea��ed t�at we wQuld �e cl��rgec� with two assess�er�ts. <br />In th�s eco�omy v�e �eel paying twice the price as our neighbors does nat seem r�ght. We <br />da not get twice the bene�it. Qur two �ats earnbinec� h�ve less stree� footage than sor�e of <br />the other single lots on the street. <br />�'lease consider de�erring ane of our assessments or enteri�g inta a cantract as you have <br />��r c�t�ers vvi�.� sirni�ar �itua`�ia�s. �'�iank you � <br />�nd �egards, <br />,a <br />; ;. <br />; i ',��`�, ,� � r �- ; <br />! ��/ �,' % ' ,-. Y�' <br />� _�/ rr: � .��,.. l.., s�/%��.. n,. <br />. <br />�/`� � `'�-��, "� _� ......___..._w.. <br />, �. � i . � ;��-; ��� -. .. ... ... ._ <br />�... ..��.�.... f � �. � <br />f <br />t <br />I�an �nd Jar�ice �hristensen <br />P.S. If you �ave a�ry �urthe� questions or �vou�c� �ike to see t�e sit�ation ir� person, fee� <br />free ta c��l us at f 51-636-6439 <br />�� _ <br />.� : ..,. .m ,......�.� <br />� <br />��. r � t. <br />y Y. <br />. .� .�. f � 5t"�.�_. �� � �.: <br />F •. ` <br />a�. <br />� `�� �'��G�` � � � � � � ~ � " ����-� i � <br />t� <br />. . fi� �s�i�"^w.�a.H��(�� a , P ,. . <br />�,� � .. '�„ "'.. "a' a''iK,,€�'�`W'A'x¢�''t��thL� �"�.. a� K. <br />' 'w r! � a 7tb� i.k�r4"g �W � ' `3 :'. <br />. ..H.e4�i� 's�. . . . .. . .� '�>�'��L��'±`�"��.i.,� �s. i�+tfS.b'R�'������.�°j;K ."�.,$.�i': ti. . <br />.� }'R7.0 .iTl�-.1I12�}l �. . . >n:ir�s.�� .. ., �:1 rc ��rc.:�ah •. .. u�� <.r�. h:r�re.. i�.�is;.�vrn�rnf �vic#: <br />�.i}�� a���:J a�R.:•.::�1� i��. i+.��.9;�!�� �::rtleon.,'ni:�nre: r�� v.>��r P.�ir�x:�. .:ui�! w. �ci..ycii�alet7s. - <br />��; H�t thc.v: vc•u rhaa :. ..ari-iF;�l, ..y�.y..•.ai ::nr> v:���:ar� rv�•�..� �h..n i�>.t� a.<.Eii:nR� r.:, y�.i�.r <br />t�•.�:a�r•,: .:at�ee w}u:�a e���: u»r:: ru�nr r,.t:19. :\ .vad.:• .���;t ��r�i�i�. ls����arr etrx.if.'�� .tn:l <br />'ri,.�iyT .�n.�E r<�iu�iriK t:ar.�:'yant.:rtt•il'<�srr.m��Yr c�;iai :ad.l ri. •,.ye�r .>v:n,.o��,.•;�ir..��.:�i.�v�� <br />ror�.l.lSi� �y'..•u.a t:� a ..,�. � . <br />Our I�ard work on t�a� additional �at �as been pub�ished <br />