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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL--August 9, 2010 9 <br /> 6. A. 2010 Pavement Management Program Special Assessment Public Hearing(continued) <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated residents with any questions regarding the rain gardens or <br /> drainage are encouraged to contact Civil Engineer Giga. She asked if this area was part of the R1 <br /> District. If this is a single family housing district she asked that Staff look into the homes in this <br /> area to be sure they are single family homes and do not have additional families living in them. <br /> Councilmember McClung suggested the Council follow the advice of the City Attorney and <br /> postpone adopting the assessment roll until all the agreements have been signed and received by <br /> the City. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the property owner at 1665 Valentine Avenue was granted a <br /> permit to build a second home on their property. It was suggested by one of the residents that this <br /> property be assessed as two properties even though it is not subdivided into two properties. She <br /> asked for clarification on why this property was not considered two lots. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga explained the property is large enough to be subdivided, however there is <br /> not sufficient frontage on Valentine Avenue for that parcel to have an address fronting on <br /> Valentine Avenue. A street would need to be built on this parcel in order to subdivide it and the <br /> cost of that street would be the responsibility of the developer. <br /> City Attorney Filla stated there are obj ections or appeals from Mr. and Mrs. Scheunemann, Mr. <br /> and Mrs. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen, Ms. Madison, and Mr. and Mrs. <br /> Van Buren that would be addressed by Staff before the Council would take action on the adoption <br /> of the assessment roll. He clarified that if there were other residents that wished to appeal the <br /> assessment they would need to do this in writing at the meeting. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated the residents of Arden Hills developed the assessment policy during the <br /> previous administration. The City has chosen not to assess all residents all year long through their <br /> taxes but rather to assess street costs to those residents affected. He stated residents could request <br /> the City revisit the assessment policy. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember McClung moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a <br /> motion to advance Item 7A in the Agenda and to Table Item 7A: Resolution <br /> 2010-039. Adopting Proposed Special Assessment Roll for the 2010 Pavement <br /> Management Program Until the August 30, 2010, City Council Meeting. The <br /> motion carried (4-1). <br /> Ayes: Mayor Harpstead, Councilmembers,Holmes, Grant, and McClung <br /> Nays: Councilmember Holden <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if this would provide Staff with enough time to answer all the <br /> questions and concerns that were brought forward by the Council and residents. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated Staff would have enough time to get this information. <br />