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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION--JULY 199 2010 4 <br /> 2.A Mn/DOT I-694 Project Update (continued) - <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if further information could be provided to the City on the <br /> number of accident calls and the location of each accident throughout the City along this <br /> Interstate. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated the Hamlin exit was not used, and the stated objections at this <br /> time were not provided to Mn/DOT previously. <br /> Councilmember McClung was alarmed by the proposed changes as one-third of the population <br /> would be affected by these improvements, along with two of the largest employers within the <br /> City. He felt the changes would be a greater benefit to the region than the City of Arden Hills and <br /> questioned what benefit there was to the City. <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding the Interstate improvements. <br /> The Council was in agreement that further information on the County Road F intersection was <br /> needed. <br /> Councilmember Grant indicated the proposed improvements were long term and he wanted to <br /> be assured that the plans were well designed to assure there aren't future bottlenecks. <br /> Councilmember McClung agreed and wished that Mn/DOT would come to the table with the <br /> local government to address the concerns with the proposed improvements. <br /> Mayor Harpstead explained Mn/DOT may have completed the necessary analysis and can <br /> provide the City with the appropriate answers, but at this time, the City does not have detailed <br /> information. He requested that Staff look into cost sharing of the sound wall and that the <br /> financials be investigated further. The Council would wait to hear further on this project at the <br /> August 9, 2010 public hearing. <br /> C. National Guard Training.& Community Center Proposal for the Arden Hills Army <br /> Training Site <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff indicated he invited Colonel Jenson and Mike <br /> Ramfeld who work with the National Guard. Each was familiar with the project and would be <br /> able to assist in answering questions. He explained AHATS does have a master plan to the north <br /> and west of the Public Works facility. One of the proposed buildings in the cantonment is the <br /> Training and Community Center (TALC), which is an armory that could be modified to include a <br /> community center. <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff noted that the plans for the TACC building were <br /> not specific at this time, except for the armory space. In August, the National Guard would host a <br /> Planning Programming Document Charrette (PPDC) workshop to prepare the general design and <br /> layout requirements for the project. The National Guard would hope to have the design plans <br /> 3 5% complete by June of 2011, 100% complete by October of 2012 with construction beginning <br /> in March of 2013. The estimated cost for the armory is $18.8 million. <br />