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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JULY 199 2010 9 <br /> E. Engineering Workspace <br /> City Administrator Klaers presented the City Council with plans for an engineering workspace. <br /> He stated staff was interviewing for an engineering position and a workspace would need to be <br /> created. The immediate option would be to create a cubicle upstairs. This would be somewhat <br /> disjointed however for the engineering department. Another option would be to move the two <br /> interns near the Deputy Clerk office to allow the new engineer to work out of this space. Long <br /> term plans would be to create walls upstairs, but would be more costly. <br /> Councilmember Grant indicated the upstairs area was built for expansion space for the staff <br /> needed to assist with TCAAP. It was intended to be a large open area for cubicles and to remain <br /> efficient. He preferred placing cubicles upstairs to meet the needs of the City staff at this time. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated she would prefer walls to be built upstairs to keep the space <br /> professional and tidy. <br /> Councilmember McClung was in favor of the cubicles as the City's staffing options may <br /> continue to change. <br /> Mayor Harpstead agreed that cubicles were the better option at this time. He requested staff <br /> review the facilities available and how they match up with the current staffing. The cubicles <br /> would allow for greater flexibility and create an open feeling. He encouraged the cubes to be <br /> organized with plenty of storage, to assure that the employees are productive. <br /> F. Community Survey <br /> City Administrator Klaers indicated the last information located in the computer archives for <br /> the community survey dates back to October 15, 2007 City Council meeting. He referred to these <br /> minutes stating the survey was discussed but never moved forward. The survey questions would <br /> need to be revised as several were dated but many were still relevant. Staff was looking to <br /> Council for direction on how they would like to proceed with this unfinished business. <br /> Mayor Harpstead explained this survey was opinion driven and the City would need to evaluate <br /> what information could be gained. He felt the information gathered could be beneficial for the <br /> questions surrounding community interests. However, as a whole, he did not see the benefit of <br /> completing the survey. <br /> Councilmember Grant disagreed and felt the information gathered would be valuable to the <br /> Council and to City staff. He requested the survey be 50 questions or less. <br /> City Administrator Klaers stated that additional information in the public safety sector, police <br /> and fire, and in the area of Parks and Recreation would be beneficial. <br /> Finance Director Iverson stated the survey would provide benchmarks on the current services <br /> being provided by the City and how the residents perceive these services. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if the budget had funds to cover the expense of the survey. <br />