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HPDP / Scoping / Subject Guidance Minnesota Department of Transportation <br />Municipal Consent <br />Contact <br />Steve Ryan, P. E. steve.r� <br />Project and Process Guidance Engineer <br />Office of Technical Support <br />395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 676 <br />St. Paul, MN 55155 <br />(651) 366-4675 <br />Forms <br />For a generic layout -approval resolution for use by a municipality, see Sample Resolution in the <br />Appendix. <br />Threshold Criteria <br />Municipal consent should only be requested from a city if it is required. <br />When Required <br />Municipal approval is required for any trunk highway project that results in any of the <br />following within a municipality: <br />• Alters access, <br />• Increases or reduces traffic capacity, or <br />• Requires acquisition of permanent right-of-way. <br />• (Changing capacity means adding or reducing the number of through lanes. For <br />example, adding auxiliary lanes is not a change in capacity). <br />Exceptions <br />Municipal consent is NOT required (regardless of impacts to access, capacity, or R/1/V) for <br />projects needed for any of the following: <br />• Regulate traffic, or <br />• Install traffic control devices, or <br />• Other safety measures <br />• The term "other safety measures" refers to traffic safety measures. For example, <br />the addition of a turn lane is a traffic safety measure; the replacement of a <br />structurally -deficient or fracture -critical bridge is not. <br />1 of 5 <br />