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EN ILLS <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: September 20,2010 Item 2.0 <br /> TO: Mayor& City Council <br /> FROM: Meagan Beekman, City Planner& Recycling Coordinator <br /> SUBJECT: Residential Curbside Recycling—Eureka Contract Extension <br /> Requested Action <br /> Discuss the Eureka Recycling contract and provide Staff with feedback on whether to proceed <br /> with extending the existing contract or begin the process of soliciting proposals for a new <br /> residential curbside recycling service provider. <br /> Background, <br /> The City has contracted with Eureka Recycling for curbside residential recycling services since <br /> March L 2008. The contract provides curbside residential recycling services to most residences <br /> in the City (Hunter Park condos, Parkshore Apartments, Cottage Villas, and Arden Manor <br /> contract for their own recycling services). The current contract is set to expire on March 1, 2011. <br /> The contract allows for two one-year renewal options provided that both the City and Eureka <br /> agree to the renewal. The current contract and first amendment are included as Attachment A. <br /> The City currently uses two-stream recycling with Eureka Recycling (sometimes referred to as <br /> dual stream or two-sort recycling). Two-stream recycling requires residents to separate mixed <br /> paper (newspaper,a cardboard, office paper, mail, phone books, milk and juice cartons, pop and <br /> beer boxes, etc) from mixed rigids (cans, glass, and plastic). Eureka Recycling also allows <br /> residents to recycle clothes and linens. In addition to these items, Eureka is working on <br /> expanding the items that they collect and is hoping to add pizza boxes beginning next year. <br /> Post consumer recycling markets plummeted in October 2008, and hit their lowest point in <br /> January2009. The drop in prices significantly impacted the recycling market and has caused the <br /> p p g <br /> cost of recycling services to rise dramatically. Due to the drop in the market, the City did not <br /> Y g <br /> receive revenue share for several months. In June 2009, the City and Eureka Recycling amended <br /> the original contract due to a disagreement regarding the City's responsibility for processing fees <br /> that were not covered by revenue share. The outcome of the amendment restructured the way <br /> the City was charged processing fees, expanded the number of items that the City collected <br /> g <br /> 11 Metro-inetl ardenhillsUdmin l Council Ugendas&Packet Information 1201 M-20-10 Worksession l Packet Information M-20-10-Work Session- <br /> Memo-Eureka Recycling Contract Extension.doc <br /> Page 1 of 3 <br />