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As of 01/07/08 <br /> 1.21 "Textiles" <br /> Textiles include unwanted but reusable Linens: towels, sheets, blankets, curtains, tablecloths _ <br /> and clothes: including belts, coats, hats, gloves, shoes and boots that are clean and free of <br /> mold, mildew and excessive stains. Textiles mast be dry_ <br /> 1.22 "Work Plan from Contractor" <br /> The annual work plan proposal for recycling system improvements submitted from the <br /> Contractor and approved by the City. <br /> 2, Term of contract <br /> The term of the new recycling contract will be a period of three(3) years from March 1, 2008 <br /> through March 1, 2011 with two (2)one-year options to renew upon mutual agreement of the _ <br /> two parties prior to expiration of the contract . <br /> 3. Annual Work Plan <br /> The Contractor shall submit an annual work plan proposal no later than February 1 st for the <br /> upcoming calendar year to outline Ivey priorities for system improvements. Public education <br /> tools shall be itemized and approximate timelines described_ other service improvements <br /> may also be included in the work plan_ The City shall review and approve the work plan by <br /> no later than March 1 st each year_ The annual work plan shall be incorporated by reference <br /> as an amendment to this contract_ <br /> 4. Annual performance review meeting to discuss recommendations for <br /> continuous improvement <br /> Upon receipt of the Contractors annual report, the City shall schedule an annual meeting with <br /> the Contractor and a City's committee_ The objectives of this annual meeting will include (but <br /> not limited to): <br /> i Review Contractor*s annual report, including trends in recovery rate and <br /> participation. <br /> • Efforts the Contractor has made to expand recyclable markets. <br /> • Review Contractor's performance based on feedback from residents to the <br /> Environment Committee members and/or City staff. <br /> • Review Contractor's recommendations for improvement in the City's recycling <br /> program, including enhanced public education and other opportunities as contained <br /> within the annual work plan for the upcoming year. <br /> • Review City staff recommendations for Contractor's service improvements. <br /> • Discuss other opportunities for improvement with the remaining years under the <br /> current contract_ <br /> 5. "Dual Stream, Plus" collection / processing system <br /> Dual stream recyclables collection and processing services shall be the basic sentice system <br /> design for this contract_ Under this dual stream design, residents shall continue to be <br /> instructed to separate recyclables into two primary groups of materials: (1)all food and <br /> beverage containers, including: glass, metal, aseptic, gable-top and plastic bottles; and (2)all <br /> 6 <br />