�.�2'� � l�e��� f�� La��f�� �������c� ��t�r��
<br />Lease Ter�
<br />Ti�e ter� �f ���s �ease �gree�e�t w�l! ��nc�r�er�t w�th th�
<br />pr��n�ses perm�t issued by t�� Garn��in� C��rof �a�-d
<br />�Bvard).
<br />A�anagemer�� �� �a�#�1�ng F�oh�bi�ed
<br />The �wner af th� premises or the l�sso�- v�riil n�t manage the
<br />conduct �f gam��inr� at the �remis�s.
<br />Pa�rt��pat�on as �'1ay�rs Pr�hibitet�
<br />T�e �es��r wa�# not part�c�pate direc��y flr �ndirect�� as a p�ayer
<br />in any iawfu� garr�b��ng con�uc�ed �n �he ��er�i�s�. �e
<br />�essor's im�ned�ate fa�i�� �ri(f �ot p�articipat� �r�y �r
<br />��di�-ectl� as a�layer ir� a pu1�-#ab, t�pbQardl Q� pac�d�ew#�ee�
<br />ga�e candc�ctec� c�� �he �rem��es.
<br />► ��1ega� �ambl�ng�
<br />, Tf�� Iessor� i� awar� flf the prah��ai�io� �ga�n�t il�egal ga��ing
<br />�n #�ir�nes�t� St�tutes fa9�.7�, a�d �e �enai�i�s �c�r ill�a�
<br />�am�lir�g vi��at�ons it� M�n�esata Ru��s 786�.�22�, Sub�a� 3.
<br />in addit�fl�, �he Board rr��y a�tho���e t�� c�r�anizat�an to
<br />v�rit�fih��d ren� ��r a pe�od a� up ta �� �ays �� tfi� Bc��-�f
<br />deter��nes �ha� i�lega� garnb��ng �ecu�red fln �e �rer��ses or
<br />�ha� �e ie�sor ar i�.s emp�o�ees �ar#i��ate�d i� �he iltega�
<br />ed
<br />�am�lir�g or knew a� �he ga�nblir�g and did �t �ake �ra�npt
<br />ac��on ta stop the ga�nb�i�g. Cv��r�u�d t�nan�y of �e
<br />argan�2ati�n is aut�c�r�zed v�rith�ui pa�rmen� �f �-ent clurtr�g the
<br />tir�e period de��r���ec� b� �e 8oard for v�t��a���s of this
<br />�ra�isi��, as au�ho�ized by t��nn�sv�� S�at�tes 34�.1$�
<br />Subdiv�sian 1{a�.
<br />I Ta the bes� o� �he IessQr's knowle�g�, tfie ��r �ff�ms that
<br />any a�d a!� g�mes or devi�e� t��a�ed �n ��e �re��ses are n��
<br />bei�tg us�c�, and are �ot �apab�e of being u�€d, i� a ma�ner
<br />��at vivla��s the p�o�i��tic�ns a�a�nst i�#+�g�� gam�i��g i�
<br />Mi�n�s�t� S�at�tes 6E�9.75. #�o�it�stand�ng �#��esata ����s
<br />78�5.��20, �u#��ar# 3, a� o�-gaa�ization ��� cQr����ue rn�����
<br />rer�� paymet��,s under t�� �e�-n�� �f #��s �ea�, ff ��e
<br />arga�izat�a€� or its ager�ts are f�ur�d t� be �ol�ly r�s�o������
<br />�or apy illeg�� gambfiing, conduct�d �� th�s s���, �hat i�
<br />pra�i��ted by �linnes��a �tu)es �S�l.fl���, Subpart i, i�ern #�
<br />or �innesv�a S�afiute� �49.75 f un��ss t�� orga�t�za��n`�
<br />ar��n� respansible f�r �e i�iegal gamb�i�g ae�v�� ar� a�sQ
<br />a�en�,s vr e�p�o�rees flf the lessor.
<br />�`�e less�r �ust �ot m�cl�#�y or t�r�i���e #he ��ase �n v�i�oie �r
<br />ir� �a�t beca�se �e Qrga�izat�dn re�or�e�a t�r a s��e t�r �oca1
<br />law �n�orce���i authority or t#�� 8aar�, �he cond��t �� if�ega#
<br />gamb�ing ac�r��ty at t�is site �r� wh��h �e orc��nizatior� d�� no�
<br />partici�at�.
<br />�i�� �age 2 of 2
<br />�e� Pra�ibit��ns
<br />T�� �essor �r�i� r�ot �rnpose res��ctiQns o� the �rga�izat�on �ritl� res�c�
<br />�o pr�flv�s�rs ��is�ribu�ors} of ga��#ing-reiated ��r��men� ar�d se�r�ces
<br />or �n �fie use of r�et pr��t� for �aw�u� �ur�se�. Th� �essa�, an� persan
<br />r�si�i�g �� the s�r�n�e �c�usehold as t�e �e�r, �h� �essor's immer�iate
<br />fa��#y, and an�r agents o�- empiv�e�s of �� ���- v�f�� nfl� �equ�re �he
<br />orga�iza�ion to p�rform an� actit�� �hafi �rou�� ��s���te statute or ruie.
<br />The lessa�- �ust r�ot modifjr or t�rminate t�is leas� in v�rf�oie or �r� part
<br />d�e ta �e �essflr's v��iation ot �his �rovisio�. if t�e�-e �s a dispute as to
<br />�#�et#�er a vio�a�ion flec��rr�d, t�e iease �uil� re�nair� in e�f�ct pendin� a�
<br />fir�a� �ieterrnination by t�e �or��liance Re�ri�vv G�oup {CR�} of the
<br />�a�nb�ing Cfln�-�� B��rd. �e �ess�r a�r�s i� ��i�ra�i� wher� a
<br />����a�ia� of this �r�visia►n fs ai�eged. The a�bit�-at�r s�a1� �e ��e C��.
<br />/�cc�ss t4 p�rm�tted �r��ri��
<br />T�e 8oard and its ager�ts, �e c��m�s�ion�rs r�f r�en�e anc� public
<br />sa�e�y ar�d th��r agents, and lav� e�fo�ce�erxf �ersor�n�� h�ve aceess
<br />�#�e pe�mi�#e� �rern#ses a� any r�as�r�a�i� ���ne du�ring �e busir�ess
<br />�ours �f t�e less�r. �e �-r�aR�za�io� �as a��ss t� �� p�rmi�ted
<br />pre�3ses d�r��g ��y �i�e r�asor�able a�d wf�en necessar� for the
<br />�o��d�t� �f �av�i�� gam��i�g on t�� premises.
<br />�essor r�ce�rds
<br />�e �es�ar m�st �ain�a€r� a re�or-d of ��i rna�ey �e��ived ffiar� �he
<br />organiza�iar�, a�� rnak� �e re�ard avai�abie to �e Soar�# a�d ��s
<br />agents, a�d the comm�ss�c��ers of re�renu� and p�b�ic safe� and �t��r
<br />�ge�ts u�o� �emar�d. The recc��d �u$� be r�a€ntai�ed for 3-1/2 year�.
<br />�ter�� a�1-�r����siv�
<br />��oun�s paid as �-�n� b� ��e ��-ganiza��n �o th� ��ssc�r are a��-i�cl�s�rre
<br />#�a ath�r s�nrices �r expens�s �rflv�d� o�- con�-a��d b�r ti� �essor
<br />rna�{ be paid by t�e or�ar�i��tion� i��ludin� �ut na� �irnited io:
<br />- �:rash re�nova� - jar���or�a� ���# e��a�ing s�rv�ces
<br />- ����r�ci�y, ��at - �t�er u�ili�i�s t�r s�nrices
<br />- sta�age - sec�r��r, �ec�r;ty �or�itorsng
<br />- s�a�v rem�va� - fawr� serv�c�
<br />-�� the ca�e of �ar ��e�atia�� cash s�4�#ages
<br />An� 4the�- exper�dit�s-e� �at�e �y an �r�at�izat�or� t�at is ��lated to a
<br />�ea�ed prerr�i�s �rtusi be a��ra��ed b� the ��re�or �� ��� ������n�
<br />Ca�trol B�oar-d. Rer�t payrr�ents r�a�r not b� m�de t� an inc�i�ridc�a�,
<br />�han�� in �ea�
<br />I� a chan�e in o�nr�ersh�� occurs, the orga�i�a�i�� w�l� �br�ii an
<br />a��nded �ease to th� �oard �vi�h�� �.fl da�s ��fier the nev� ��ssor has
<br />a��umed ow�ershf�. If �e �ease �s am�nded wi�� �o ehange i�
<br />owners�jp, �� orga��zatior� �(1 subrnit t�e amended iea�� to t#�e
<br />�oard �t i�as� �� days b���re t�� ��fe�ti�e �ate flf t�� �ar�g€.
<br />�1Gk�owl�dg�l��t o� Le2tse T��`m� I a�irr� �hat ��s le�se �s t�►e to�al and Qn�r agree€n�� �e�vee� the Ie�or as�.f the
<br />orgar��zat�4n, a�rd t�at a�l o�ligatior�s an� agr�e�en�s are cantained �r� �or ��t�c�ed tQ t�is lease an� a�e subj� ta �he �a�prc�vat of the
<br />' dir��or af th� G�mblin� �on�ro� Bc�art�. �`h� t�ase ��y► be �er�i�ates� �y e���er par� w�t�out cau�e v�ith a 3Q-day
<br />wr�t#en natice.
<br />C)ther ternas: See at�ach� iease� Agre�rr��n� fc�r t�rms and e�nditio�s.
<br />�i�n.�ts�r� oi iessor ; ,,, � {�afe Signature �of : . �'�� ��i�i�ati� a�ficiai (�essee� �3ate
<br />�-"' � - �
<br />---•-„!. �, r`�� ,, � �, �" � .-" + .''.. �•�, � �
<br />tr �..,,p .�-+ �'� � � �� � �/ _� _ ^.'�' •' {' '� �
<br />%-r �^'''�� J~ / � �*' ,�/�'
<br />Pr�n# �arne a�d ti�e o� lessor
<br />Go�c�i� K S�edc��v� �}wner
<br />e and tit�e af �essee
<br />Prin�
<br />Vic#or A Husl�tha, Car���a�g �lia�ac�er
<br />Ques�iflns? Con�acfi the l�censing Sec�ian� �ar�bi�ng Caniroi 8oar�i, at f�1-�39-44�fl.
<br />`�"his publ�ca��o� will be rr�ade availabie �n aiiernative �ormat �.e. �a e ri��, �r�a��e u n r ��st. r� � �_ � rr� K� t°.
<br />�� �'9 � 3 Po � � ���� ��'� } :
<br />Data pr��racy noti�e: i�e info�natior� �eq�ested fln t#�is for� and any at�a�t�ents v��(� bec�e publie ���°.... ��' ..:: � t=,:= ,.::
<br />in�ormat�on w#�er� rec�i�red by the 8oard, �nd v�i�t be �sed to de�e�nine your cc�mpifance wa� ��nnesa�a sta�
<br />and rt�les governi��g �awfu� �gar��ting activ�ties. , `
<br />` � � �����`i���-.��:
<br />�
<br />