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Form No. 1068 -2 <br />Con, ;lent No.: NCS- 450681 -MPLS <br />Page Number: 5 <br />line of Lot 27, 177.10 feet to the north line of said Government Lot 5; thence South 89 degrees <br />51 minutes 59 seconds West, along said north line, 611.49 feet to the west line of said Southeast <br />Quarter; thence South 00,degrees 26 minutes 11 seconds East, along said west line, 1313.28 <br />feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. <br />The North and East Boundaries of the above described parcel have been determined pursuant to <br />Court File No. C7- 00- 10198, and marked by Judicial Landmarks. <br />(Torrens property, Certificate of Title No. 533995) <br />,Tract B: <br />Parcel 1: <br />Beginning at Southeast corner of Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 30, Range 23; <br />thence North on East line of said Southwest Quarter a distance of 305 feet; thence at right <br />angles West to center of the St. Paul and New Brighton Road which runs diagonally from <br />Southeast to Northwest corner of East Half of said Southwest Quarter; thence Southeast along <br />center of said road to south line of said Section 33; thence East on South line of said Section to <br />point of beginning; according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Ramsey County, <br />Minnesota. <br />Parcel 2: <br />The North 25 feet of the South 425 feet of that part lying Easterly of the New Brighton Road of <br />the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 30, Range 23; and the North 95 feet of the South <br />400 feet of that part lying Easterly of the New Brighton Road of the Southwest Quarter of Section <br />33, Township 30, Range 23; according to the United States Government Survey thereof, Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota. <br />Parcel 3: <br />All that part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 30, Range 23, lying South of the <br />North 2116 feet thereof, and lying North of a line running west at right angles to the East line of <br />said Southwest Quarter from a point 425 North of the Southeast corner thereof, and lying <br />Northeasterly of the center line of New Brighton Road; said center line running northwesterly at <br />an angle of 63 degrees 37.5 minutes to the South line of said Southwest Quarter from a point <br />30.4 feet west of the Southeast corner thereof; according to the United States Government <br />Survey thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />(Abstract property) <br />acittke.„‘.) and P t WS <br />3' aka ,S-01/4\0,AAN...3 6,0LOa“--d 33 30 (y3 <br />3t14 3 L o\c&A\\&- ('cianai 00 ti <br />1,5 L2UCt 3a- besLawcox 33 3 0• a3�'�} .C�oi`1 <br />6i 5 L.c0a, 46(\ouvuv\s tALaiuctiref 33- 3c>.clb °Y1 0013 <br />3[d.0 Lc4 eoLLLwcut 33- a343. -te <br />