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pathways and characteristics of the site. Level 3 Dredged Material is considered to be significantly <br />contaminated and must be managed specifically for the contaminants present. <br />In some cases a Level 3 Dredged Material may have levels of contaminants at levels subject to regulation <br />under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and/or the Toxic Substances Control Act <br />(TSCA), if PCB levels in sediment are 50 mg/kg or greater. In these cases, significant additional regulation <br />applies, and disposal of the waste is strictly regulated. <br />Contact 'CA staff for additional information on regulatory requirements for disposal of Level 3 Dredged <br />Materials. <br />Larger projects may produce dredge materials that can be segmented into areas with dredged materials that are <br />distinctly different from each other. Subsets of dredged material may be able to be managed differently from <br />each other, depending on the Management Level applicable to each discrete subset. <br />If subsets of Management Levels exist within the project, dredged material may be managed separately by <br />Levels, i.e. each subset of dredged material is managed at the relevant Management Level; managed at the most <br />restrictive Management Level, if separation and management by subset is not feasible or desired; or, managed <br />at the most restrictive Management Level if subsets from a given project or multiple project, such as at a <br />use /reuse staging area, are co- mingled prior to disposal. <br />Calculation of BAP equivalents <br />Minnesota uses Potency Equivalency Factors (PEFs) to evaluate toxicity and to assess risks of carcinogenic <br />PAHs. A PEF is a relative estimate of toxicity of chemical compared to a reference chemical. Benzo(a)pyrene <br />(BaP) was chosen as a reference chemical for carcinogenic PAHs because its toxicity is well characterized. <br />The BAP equivalent should be calculated in accordance with the MPCA document Polycyclic Aromatic <br />Hydrocarbons, (p- eao2 -03), and the Soil Reference Value (SRV) spreadsheet at <br />www.pca. state. mn. us/ publicatiionslrisk- tier2srv.xls. <br />More information on Minnesota Soil Reference Values found can be found on the MPCA Web site at <br /> <br />Managing Dredged Materials in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency <br />State of Minnesota June 2009 <br />16 <br />