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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—OCTOBER 11, 2010 9 <br /> 2.B 2011 Pavement Management Program Discussion (continued) <br /> Councilmember Holden added she would like to see a schedule where everyone pays the same. <br /> Mayor Harpstead indicated the other proposed project was for Amble Drive. This roadway was _ <br /> used by 60% of the neighborhood with single family homes to reach Hamline Avenue. Given the <br /> age of the roadway, it would need full reconstruction, which was a higher expense. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained Council would need to decide if the full <br /> reconstruction was necessary. He noted the options were presented to the neighborhood <br /> describing the price differences between a complete reconstruction and a mill and overlay project. <br /> The City has proposed to complete new roadways with curb and gutter. <br /> Councilmcmbcr Holmes stated she did not feel this was a standard to add curb and gutter, but <br /> that the roadway could remain rural. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer felt the curb and gutter was not a requirement and was not <br /> guaranteed to improve the drainage along this roadway. He stated he would propose an urban <br /> street if the Council so desired. <br /> Councilmcmber McClung indicated curb and gutter was normally added to improve runoff <br /> issues, but if this was not needed, the Council should not pursue it further. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if curb and gutter was not required on any road, or just Amble <br /> Drive. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer clarified that he was only commenting on Amble Drive, given <br /> the location and drainage of this roadway. He was not making a statement regarding the entire <br /> City street program. <br /> Mayor Harpstead commented that if curb and gutter increases the integrity and longevity of a <br /> road then it should be included. However, if curb and gutter were not necessary, staff should state <br /> from an engineering standpoint,this was the case. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated soil borings have been completed on Amble Drive <br /> showing reclamation was a viable option. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if the City was responsible for the maintenance of the pond <br /> along this roadway. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained he would be reviewing the recommendations from <br /> Rice Creek Watershed with regard to this project to assure that proper drainage would continue. <br /> Mayor Harpstead requested staff bring the pavement management plan back to the Council at a <br /> future work session for modifications. <br /> Councilmember Holden indicated it would benefit the City to clarify this information. <br />