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Overall, general fund revenues are budgeted at $2,054,700 or a 4% decrease from the <br /> 2010 amended budget. For a graphical representation of revenues please see Appendix A and <br /> B. <br /> I <br /> Ex enditures <br /> p <br /> General Government: General Government expenditures include Salaries / Benefits, <br /> Supplies and Purchased Services in conjunction with activities performed by the Mayor, four City <br /> Council Members and the five employee City Administration team. Salary line items include a <br /> 0% structure increase (COLA) and a 5% step increase for one eligible employee. Employer <br /> contributions for the Public Employee Retirement Association will increase from 7.00% to 7.25% <br /> in 2011. Overall, General Government expenditures are budgeted at 521,700 for 2011 or a 3% <br /> decrease from the 2010 amended budget. <br /> Public Safety: The City of Centerville has a joint powers agreement with Circle Pines <br /> and Lexington that funds the Centennial Lakes Police Department. A similar arrangement with <br /> Lino Lakes and Circle Pines funds the Centennial Fire District. Each of these arrangements is <br /> paid through a formula that allocates costs to each city. Centerville's portion of the Centennial <br /> Lakes Police Department is $657,700 or a 5% decrease from 2010. Centerville's portion for the ' <br /> Centennial Fire District is $120,000 or a 3% increase from 2010. The budget also includes <br /> $102,000 in pass through fire relief aide expenditures. Overall, Public Safety expenditures are I <br /> budgeted at 1,026,800 for 2011 or a 4% decrease from the 2010 amended budgeted amount. <br /> Public Works: The City of Centerville Public Works department has five full time <br /> employees that work to maintain the City parks, streets and utility operations. Salary line items I <br /> include a 0% structure increase (COIA) and a 4% step increase for one eligible employee. The <br /> same increase of .25% for PERA applies here as well. Overall, Public Works related expenditures I <br /> are budgeted at $363,800 or a 3% decrease from the 2010 budgeted amount. <br /> Culture and Recreation: The Culture and Recreation budget consists of expenditures <br /> incurred by the city's committee, respective recreation programs and city festival. Culture and <br /> Recreation expenditures are budgeted at $18,500 for 2011 or a 4% decrease from 2010. <br /> Economic Development: The Economic Development classification is projected to <br /> decrease in 2011 and is budgeted at $9,100 or a 46% decrease from 2010. <br /> Capital Outlay: <br /> $2,200 — Computer Replacement <br /> $65,000 — Moving Garage/Skid Loader/Future Equipment Savings <br /> $26,100 — General Street Maintenance <br /> $5,000 — Resurface Eagle Park Tennis Court <br /> Overall, the proposed 2011 General Fund expenditures totaled roughly $2,054,700 or a <br /> 8% decrease from 2010. For a graphical representation of expenditures please see appendix C <br /> and D. <br />