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2010-12-22 Set Agenda & Handouts
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2010-12-22 Set Agenda & Handouts
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5. Priorities and schedule for which streets will be plowed <br />The City has classified City streets based on the street fimetion, traffic volume, and <br />importance to the welfare of the community. Those streets classified as "Snow Plow <br />Routes" will be plowed first. These are high volume routes, which connect major sections <br />of the City and provide access for emergency fire, police, and medical services. <br />The second priority will be drives and parking areas for the Fire Station and those streets <br />providing access to schools and commercial businesses. The third priority streets are low <br />volume residential streets. The fourth priority areas are alleys, cul-de -sacs and City <br />parking lots. <br />6. Work schedule for snowplow operators <br />Snowplow operators will be expected to work eight -hour shifts. When conditions and <br />service requirements to the public warrant, the Public Works Director may start shifts at a <br />different time than normal and may conclude work after eight hours. In severe snow <br />emergencies, operators sometimes have to work in excess of eight -hour shifts. However, <br />because of budget and safety concerns, no operator shall work more than a twelve -hour <br />shift in any twenty- -four hour period. Operators will take a fifteen-minute break every two <br />hours with a half -hour meal break after four hours. After a twelve -hour day, the . "& "6 <br />will be replaced if additional qualified personnel are available. All work schedules shall be <br />subject to the collective bargaining agreement then in effect. <br />7. Weather conditions <br />Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not <br />endanger the safety of City employees and equipment. Factors that may delay snow and <br />ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, and limited visibility. <br />B. Use of sand, salt, and other chemicals <br />The City will use sand, salt, and other chemicals when there are hazardous ice or slippery <br />conditions. The City is concerned about the effect of such chemicals on the environment <br />and will limit its use for that reason. <br />9. Sidewalks <br />Inspection and maintenance of sidewalks will be in accordance with the City of Centerville <br />Sidewalk Inspection and Maintenance Policy. <br />Adopted by the Council this 27th day of December, 2006. <br />C:1DoamnMa md ScOWCa®powy ratamt MnV)LR=i ........ ,1, PolWy 200MAw <br />2 <br />
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