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<br />SUMMARY: <br /> <br />Upon aooeptance and signatures by the parties of this MOD, a separate joint powers agreement for cost share <br />and maintenance will be prepared by the County for execution by the City and the County prior to accepmnce <br />of bids for this project. The joint powers agreement to follow v.ill formalize all estirna~.and actual cost <br />shares. The parties recognize the difficult nature of this proiect and every effort ""ill be/made to reduce the <br />impacts to adioining properties_ ~~~l?B~~~ct~oI1._~<:'~~_"0JJ_!>.~_~!~g~_t_~_()!=!l'ltinue Aa).1x_~~_~~~_~_t_~_!l1~ 1?~l?~es _ ----{ Formatted: Font; 11p1 <br />that do not have alternative access_ <br />...'.-\-."., <br /> <br />.. -',.'-",.'.'" <br />In the interim,. the attached Exhibit "C" provides an estimate of the constructiqh cost s~m:the I)'oject and <br />Exhibit "D" outlines County policy for cost splits on construction projectll. .. <br /> <br />I "___nn_nn n n_ _n__ _ _ _ __ _ n ___n___n___n.__n___n_ _ _ _ ___n _ _ _ _H __ nn _____ ___,;c.. <br /> <br />mm_------{ De......d: --m---m.Page Break-----m- ] <br /> <br />COUNTY OF ANOKA <br /> <br />CITY QJ!' CENU:RVILLE <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />Mary Capra <br />Mayor ... <br /> <br />Margaret LangfeW, Chair <br />Anoka County Board <br />of Commissioners <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br /> <br />Dated: <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />P!l1h1s_~1l1_~<?_~_ __ _ _ m _ no _ _ _m __ <br />City Administrator <br /> <br />_-----{ Deleted: <br /> <br />Dated: <br /> <br />RECOMMENDED FOR AFPROV AL: <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />Douglas W. Fischer, P.E. <br />Anoka County Engineer <br /> <br />Thomas Peterson, P.E. <br />City ofCenterville Engineer <br /> <br />,u~_._.._________.~_n'~ ----- ------' <br /> <br />o.lebod: SRF.DATA:DATA:Prqecl!:4 <br />994:ln-MU:DOC:MOU:Conterville02- <br />614-24MOU.00c <br /> <br />Page 4 of5 <br />C.\Docmnents and Setlini>lITBonde<lLoc>d Set,. Ten1JlOOI'V __ FU.s\OLlGDICenterviU.02-<S14-24MOU 2005-05~5.d<>;: <br />