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Streets <br /> IMPROVEMENTS <br /> The streets will be reconsVucted as part of the overall redevelopment of the area. Figure 2 illustrates the <br /> roadway right-of-way and the general horizontal alignment of the streets proposed as part of this project. <br /> The streets within the project can essentially be divided into three categories. These categories are as <br /> follows and are illustrated in Figures 9 and 10: <br /> Tvae A Cross Section: This type of layout includes only Cent ad and consists of an eighty <br /> foot right of way and a fifty-six fo eet ' cluding on-street <br /> parking. <br /> T�,pe B1 Cross Section: This layout includes all othe iden 'al streets wit p�oject a�ea and <br /> consists of a sixty foot r' of way a d a twenty-eight e t width. <br /> This section does not c n-stree rking. <br /> T�r,pe 62 Cross Section: This layout pertains to the h f el Street on ei er side of <br /> Centerville Road. This section is me as 61, but incorporates on-street <br /> parking. <br /> These cross sections along with their respective ica ill be de further in the Streetscape <br /> and Trails section of the report. ''��?' <br /> Currently, the City does lan to ruct the dea nd portion of Heritage Street, east of Progress ' <br /> Road. The costs asso ' 'th the c ruction of this 5 oot portion of roadway are itemized ' <br /> throughout the report as a ate city wishes t nstruct this section of road, these costs would I <br /> be considered e publi r <br /> COST MATE �. <br /> The table ge 'zes the projec costs incurred in constructing the sVeets to city standard. <br /> BLE 1- STREET RECONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE <br /> Item Total Price <br /> A Cross Section $303,600 <br /> ion B1 Cross Section $230,900 <br /> Section 62 Cross Section $107,500 <br /> ConsVuction Cost $642,000 <br /> Contin encies (5%) $32,100 <br /> En ineerin , Admin., Le al, Bondin (30%) $192,600 <br /> Total Cost E866,700 <br /> Altemate Addition - Herita e St�eet (E. ofPro ressJ $68,600 <br />