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i <br /> I <br /> I Sanitary Sewer <br /> IMPROVEMENTS <br /> In order to provide service to the proposed buildings, additions to the sanitary system must be considered. <br /> To analyze the expected sanitary sewer additions needed, the finish floor elevation for each of the proposed <br /> buildings was estimated based on the existing topography of the area. In addition to this, an assumption <br /> regarding the status of an underground parking system had to be made. The mptions were based on <br /> knowledge of similar buildings and correspondence with the developer. <br /> Pipe was calculated at a minimum grade from the nearest existing ole. these minimum, <br /> conservative elevations, it was determined whether or not servi o be avai o the proposed <br /> building with the existing system. If service was available, a wa dded out to ter of the <br /> proposed lot. In the case that the proposed building cou ot be se d by the existing ystem, <br /> pipe and manholes were designed to be removed and p as nec ry in order to all ervice. <br /> Figures 3.1 and 3.2 depict the proposed options available. Optio ows one service installed per <br /> townhome complex while Option 2 installs a ' idual service to e wnhome unit. It is recommended <br /> that the City chose Option 1 in order to keep c <br /> COST ESTIMATE <br /> The following is a gener d versio ; the costs ass ' ted with constructing the sanitary sewer <br /> improvements descri � <br /> RY S R COST ESIIMATE <br /> 0 tion 1 0 tion 2 <br /> Total Price Total Price <br /> Removals $2,200 $4,200 <br /> Connection to "n $12,000 $12,000 <br /> VC Sanita Se $85,300 $187,000 <br /> Sewer S ures $32,500 $62,500 <br /> tion $2,200 $4,500 <br /> Construction Cost $134,200 $270,200 <br /> Contin encies (5°�) $6,700 $13,500 <br /> , En ineerin , Admin., Le al, Bondin (30%) $40,300 $81,100 <br /> Total Cost $181,200 $364,800 <br /> I <br /> i <br /> i <br /> . <br /> City of Centerville Project No: 616-07-1610 <br /> Downtown Redevelopment # Bonestr+o�o Page 5 <br /> str <br /> i <br />