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Memorandum :� Bonestroo <br /> 2335 Highway 36 W <br /> To: Mark Statz Project: Centerville Downtown Date: 9/20/2007 St. Paul, MN 55113 <br /> From: Earth Evans Client: City of Centerville Tel 651-636-4600 <br /> Fax 651-636-1311 <br /> Re: Stormwater System File No: 616-07-161 <br /> Remarkr. <br /> This memo summarizes our preliminary stormwater system design and analysis for the <br /> Centerville Downtown Redevelopment project. The existing site is primarily developed with a <br /> ' mix of residential and commercial land uses. Proposed development includes medium and high <br /> density residential and mixed use commercial sites. Proposed stormwater management <br /> measures will be designed to meet the City of Centerville, Rice Creek Watershed District <br /> (RCWD) and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency National Pollution Discharge Elimination <br /> System (MPCA NPDES) General Construction Permit requirements. The most sVingent of these <br /> requirements in terms of stormwater management is RCWD. Compliance with these <br /> requirements will meet or exceed the requirements of the City and NPDES. <br /> City and Bonestroo staff met with RCWD to discuss their proposed new rules on 9/13/07. <br /> These rules are slated to be accepted by the RCWD Board in December of 2007 and will <br /> therefore apply to the proposed site. Based on these discussions, infiltration and bioretention <br /> practices for the site were sized on the following criteria. <br /> • For all new im�ervious - best management practices (BMPs) designed to infiltrate <br /> and/or retain the runoff volumefrom the two-year (2.8 inch) storm event. <br /> Proposed new impervious (assuming 50-75% impeNious) = 7 acres <br /> • For all existing impervious - the treatment requirement is to provide infiltration <br /> volume adequate for the 0.8-inch event. Existing impervious (including offsite <br /> drainage area) = 9 acres. <br /> Rate control is also required, but this is generally met by providing BMPs sized to meet the <br /> above requirements. A total of approximately 2.2 ac-ft of bioretention volume is required. <br /> Note that this sizing criterion is different than the verbiage in the rules dated June 13, 2007. <br /> At the writing of this memo, RCWD had not made a final decision on the redevelopment <br /> standard, but based on discussions with Carl Almer at EOR this method was the original irrtent <br /> of the rule and has therefore been pursued. <br /> Based on the Soil Survey, soils are roughly 60% hydrologic soil group (HSG) B/D and 40% HSG <br /> B. The BMPs provided to meet the above RCWD requirements will include a combination of <br /> several features — rain gardens, depressed parking lot islands, pervious pavement with <br /> underground storage, and stormwater ponds as shown on the attached figure. An innovative <br /> method of utilizing the stormwater generated from downtown to irrigate nearby LaMotte Park <br /> is also proposed. <br />