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1�Iet�op�lit� Council <br /> Metro Meetings <br /> A weekly calendar of ineetings and agenda items for t{ie Metropolitan Council, its advisory and standing committees, and regional <br /> Council sponsored events. The Metropolitan Council is localed at 390 RobeK S4 N., in downtown SG PauL All meetings are hetd at <br /> this location unless otherwise noted. Meeting times and agendas are subject to change. Visit our website at www. metrocouncil. orQ <br /> for more information. Video of ineetings of the Council and some committees are now available live and archived for later viewing at <br /> www. metrocounci l.ore <br /> Week of February 14 —18, 2011 <br /> Monday, February 14 <br /> Transportation Committee: 4 p.m., 390 N. Robert St., St. Paul, Chambers <br /> - Director MTS Report; <br /> - General Manager's Report; <br /> - Authorization to Purchase Fareboxes; <br /> - 2011 Unified Capital Program Amendment; <br /> - 2011 Unified Operating Budget Amendment; <br /> - Approval of Highway Bus Rapid Transit Station-to-Station Service Faze Collection Method; <br /> - Authorization to Amend Contract to Comply with 2010 Environmental Protection Agency Emissions <br /> Regulations; <br /> - Donated Buses Used for Hurricane Katrina Relief; <br /> - Contract Change Order with Siemens for Installing Automatic Passenger Counter Equipment on an <br /> additional 19 Light Rail Vehicles; <br /> - Central Corridor Light Rail Transit: Additional Limited Notices to Proceed for Apri12011; <br /> - Central Corridor Light Rail Transit: Subordinate Funding Agreements with the City of Minneapolis; <br /> - Central Corridor Light Rail Transit: Subardinate Funding Agreements with the City of St. Paul; <br /> - Central Corridor Light Rail Transit: Subordinate Funding Agreements with the University of Minnesota; ' <br /> Information <br /> - Transit Facility Energy Conservation; and other business. �, <br /> Tuesday, February 15 <br /> No meetings scheduled <br /> Wednesday, February 16 <br /> TAB Programming Committee: 12 noon, Chambers <br /> - Status Report on Development of the 2011 Regional Solicitation; <br /> - Recommendation to Adopt the Draft 2011 Regional Solicitation Package for the Purpose of a Public <br /> Meeting on Mazch 2, 2011; <br /> - Mn/DOT: Recommendation to Approve the 2011 HSIP Solicitation Criteria; <br /> - Dakota County: Recommendation to Extend the Sunset Date for Transportation Enhancement Funds <br /> Awarded to SP# 91-090-47: Mississippi River Regional Trail — Pine Bend Segment; <br /> - Metro Transit: Recommendation to Extend the Sunset Date for CMAQ Funds Awarded to SP# TRS- <br /> TCMT-IOB: Purchase Six Articulated Buses for Co. Rd. 73 Park and Ride; <br /> - Metro Transit: Recommendation to include TIGGER II Section 5309 Funds to Install Geothermal <br /> Heating/Cooling System in the Hiawatha LRT O&M Facility; <br /> - Recommendation to include SP# 164-030-009; Planning for St. Paul Complete Streets Policy; <br /> - Mn/DOT: Recommendation to include SP# 2750-75; Reconstruct Existing Intersection at TH 169 and 93rd <br /> Avenue to a Folded Diamond Interchange, Brooklyn Park; <br /> - Mn/DOT: Recommendation to include SP# 2750-73; Insta(1 Cable Median Barrier along TH 169 in <br /> Brooklyn Pazk; and other business. <br />