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Grant Agreement Number� � �,�� � � <br /> Bet�veen the Minnesota Deparlment of Health and The City of Centerville <br /> ����I�. OTHER PROVISIONS <br /> � A. Contractor Debarment, Suspension and Responsibilitv Certification <br /> Federal regulation 45 CFR 92.35 prohibits the State from purchasing goods or services with federal <br /> money from vendors who have been sus�ended or debarred by the Federal Governnlent. Similarly <br /> Minnesota Statute � 16C.03, Subdivision 2, provides the Commissioner of Administration with the <br /> authority to debar and suspend vendors who seek to contract with the State. <br /> Vendors may be suspended or debaned when it is determined, through a duly authorized hearing <br /> process, that they have abused the public trust in a serious manner. In particular, the Federal <br /> Government expects the State to have a process in place for determining whether a vendor has been <br /> ' suspended or debarred, and to prevent such vendors from receiving federal funds. <br /> By signing this contract, GRANTEE certifies that it and its principals: <br /> 1. Are not presently debarred, suspended proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily <br /> excluded from transacting business by or with any federal, state or local governmental department or <br /> agency; and, <br /> 2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this contract: a) been convicted of or had a civil <br /> judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with <br /> obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract; <br /> b) violated any federal or state antitrust statutes; or c) commifted embezzlement, theft, forgery, <br /> bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; <br /> and, <br /> 3. Are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity for: a) <br /> commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or <br /> performing a public (federal, state of local) transaction; b) violating any federal or state antitrust <br /> statutes; or c) committing embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of <br /> records, making false statement or receiving stolen property; and, <br /> 4. Are not aware of any information and possess no knowledge that any subcontractor(s) that will <br /> perform work pursuant to this grant/contract are in violation of any of the certifications set forth <br /> above. <br /> B. Audit Requirements to be Included in Grant A�reements with Subrecipients <br /> 1. For subrecipients (GRANTEES) tllat are state or local governments, non-profit organizations, or <br /> Indian Tribes: <br /> If the GRANTEE expends total federal assistance of $500,000 or more per year, th� grantee agrees <br /> to: a) obtain either a single audit or a program-specific audit made for the fiscal year in accordance <br /> with the terms of the Single Audit Act of 1984, as amendea (31 U.S. Code Chapter 75) and OMB <br /> Circular A-133; and, b) to comply with the Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended (31 U.S. Code <br /> Chapter 75) and OMB Circular A-133. <br /> Audits shall be made amivally unless the grantee is a state or local government that has, by Ja�luary <br /> 1, 1987, a constitutionaI or statutory requirement for less frequent audits. For those govemments, the <br /> federal cognizant agency shall permit biennial audits, covering both years, if the government so <br /> HE-01550-14 (01/10) Grant Agreement Page 6 <br /> 36 <br />