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My recommendation is that we should not fund the YMCA programs either in our parks or at <br /> Anoka County Heritage Lab as we could make better use of the $1500. <br /> 1. Parks & Recreation should not continue to fund the YMCA programs in Laurie LaMotte <br /> Memoriad Park simply because it is not well attended. The YMCA has acknowledged the <br /> lack of participation in their request that we use those funds for the Heritage Center Day <br /> Camp program. <br /> 2. We should not subsidize the Heritage Center Day Camp program because it does not <br /> benefit Centerville residents directly. This is a regional YMCA camp serving YMCA <br /> locations across and even beyond Anoka County. <br /> 3. It has been suggested that we use the $1 S00 to undenvrite Centerville children. That would <br /> be a better use, but I think we can find better uses for the funds. On what basis would we <br /> underrvrite or subsidize some residenZs but not others? I don't know how we do that. Also I <br /> am not sure that it is appropriate that we subsidize YMCA programs. The YMCA is a good <br /> civic organization, but underwriting or subsidizing any outside organization is not a good <br /> use of tax dollars. <br /> 4. Supporting Wargo day camps has also been proposed. This is a better use of funds as <br /> Wargo is part of Anoka County parks. We are Anoka County residents and it would be <br /> easier to direct those dollars to funding Centerville children. While I think this is a better <br /> use of funds, we should keep Centerville tax dollars in Centerville. <br /> My recommendation is that we hold the $1 SDO and ask Council to re-allocate those funds to other <br /> park activities. <br /> • <br /> • <br /> 43 <br />