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(3) Farm. FARM ANIMALS shall mean those animals commonly associated <br /> with a farm or performing work in an agricultural setting. Unless otherwise defined, <br /> these animals shall include members of the equine family (horses and mules), bovine <br /> family (cows and bulls), sheep, poultry (chickens and turkeys), fowl (ducks and geese), <br /> swine (including Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs), goats, bees and other animals associated <br /> with a farm, ranch or stable. � <br /> § 90.05 FARM ANIMALS. <br /> Farm animals shall only be kept in an agricultural district of the city or on a <br /> residential lot of at least ten acres in size, provided that no animal shelter sha11 be within <br /> 300 feet of an adjoining piece of property. <br /> An exception shall be made to this section for those animals brought into the city as part <br /> of education, an operating zoo, veterinarian clinic, scientific reseazch laboratory or a <br /> Iicensed show or exhibition. <br /> (Ord. #24, adopted 10/27/1999) <br /> § 90.02 RESTRTCTIONS I <br /> (D) Honey Bees. Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, a person may keep �� <br /> honey bee colonies on any premises after first obtaining a license as provided in this ' <br /> subsection. No license shall be issued except in compliance with this section. '� <br /> (1) Lot size shall be a minimum of one-half acre, I <br /> (2) No more than two honey bee colanies shall be allowed, i <br /> (3) Hives shall be setback from property lines a rninimum of 25 feet, I <br /> (4) Permission must be obtained from owners of all property abutting the proposed site, ; <br /> (5) Applicant must document at least 16 hours of training in beekeeping, and I <br /> (6) The colony shall be maintained in good order and not be a nuisance to any member of I <br /> the public. I <br /> 6i <br />