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Centerville Communicator 'Striving to Keep Residents Informed <br />YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS <br />Tom Wilharber—Mayor—(65 I) 429-2140 Spring, 2011 <br />January, February & March <br />Ben Fehrenbacher—(651) VOLUME I <br />Steven King—(651) <br />rP' m <br />D. Love —(651) 784-6102 <br />Jeff Paar—(651) 426-7892 <br />CITY OF CENTERVILLE CITY HALL HOURS <br />1880 MAIN STREET City Hall hours are Monday—Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. <br />CENTERVILLE MN 55038 <br />If you are unable to meet these hours, please contact us and we will do our ori, <br />PHONE: 651-429-3232, FAX: 651-429-8629 <br />�r <br />WWW. CENTERVILLEMN. COM <br />best to accommodate your schedule. ��wr <br />MAIN STREET/CSAR 14 ROAD & INTERSTATE 35E CONSTRUCTION SLATED TO BE COMPLETED BY JUNE, 2011 <br />Key components of the project include: Replace and lengthen freeway entrance and exit ramps (Completed), construct three traffic signals and adding turn lanes, adding additional lanes to <br />Main Street and constructing a center median to reduce conflict points (Partially Completed). The road and ramp access is expected to remain open during construction. Minor delays may <br />occur and lane shifts are likely during peak construction periods. For more information, please contact Mr. Charles Cadenhead, Anoka County, 763-862-4237 or <br />Charles. Cadenhead (a or Mr. Kent Barnard, MnDOT, 651-234-7504 or Kent. Barnard( <br />Please visit Anoka County Department of Transportation's web site at:–highway/index.aspx to report pot -holes, dead animals or signs <br />down/signals out on these streets CSAH 14/Main Street, CSAH 21/Centerville Road CSAH 54/20th Avenue. All other streets in the community with the exception of <br />Ojibway Drive and Portage Way are the City of Centerville's responsibility. <br />Weight restrictions are in effect. Please follow the posted signs. For more information call Anoka County Highway Department Hotline 651-747-2253 or the City of Centerville. <br />POLICE & FIRE UPDATES <br />ANOKA COUNTY AUTO THEFT TASK FORCE: CRIME ALERT <br />Auto theft continues to be a crime of concern for most communities and auto thefts <br />should be taken very seriously. Police Departments can not do it alone, and they need <br />your help. Auto theft continues to be a crime of opportunity, by eliminating the opportu- <br />nity for a perpetrator to steal your vehicle, eliminates the time and expenses associated <br />with same. Here are some easy things that you can do to secure your vehicle and de- <br />crease the chance of becoming a victim of auto theft in the community and when you are <br />outside of the community for entertainment, work, etc. <br />1. Lock your car -10% of vehicles stolen within Anoka County are unlocked. <br />2. Take your keys -20% of vehicles stolen within Anoka County the keys were left <br />inside the car. <br />3. Conceal valuables. <br />4. Park smart—In well lit areas and close to entrance doors of your destination. <br />5. Use your garage—Remember to close the garage door and still lock your vehicle <br />and remove valuables. <br />Location of Vehicles when stolen <br />Parking lot: 30% <br />Driveway: 19% <br />Street: 9% <br />Garage: 3% <br />Anoka County's Recovery Rate: <br />Not Recovered: 61% <br />Recovered: 39% <br />This crime alert was brought to you by: Shannan M. Randolph, Crime Analyst, 6431 University <br />Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN 55432 (763) 572-3634. <br />ANIMAL CODE—CONTROL YOUR PET <br />We all love our pets, and usually other people love them too. But when our <br />pet's behavior starts to affect our neighbors, they can become a nuisance. <br />Everyone has the right to enjoy their home, neighborhood and parks. Being <br />aware of pet nuisance regulations can help make your pet a good <br />neighbor. <br />e <br />Am <br />1 <br />Nobody likes a noisy animal neighbor. One of the most common <br />pet nuisance complaints handled by the police department is habitual barking. <br />See City Code 90.09(a). <br />POISON -PROOF YOUR HOME THIS SPRING <br />An incident of poisoning in the home is predictable and preventable. In 2008, 85% of the 54,000 <br />poison exposures in Minnesota originated in the home. Nationally, it is the second leading cause <br />of unintentional death due to injury. <br />KITCHEN <br />Remove household products (cleaning products, dishwashing compounds and drain cleaners) <br />from under sinks <br />Remove medicines on counters or in open areas <br />-All household products and medications should be out of reach and sight of children <br />Child safety latches should be installed on all drawers or cabinets containing harmful products <br />or sharp objects <br />-No toxic products should be stored with food or in food containers <br />BATHROOM <br />-All medications, cosmetics, hair care products, toothpaste, mouthwash and cleaners should be <br />out of reach <br />Medicine storage area should be cleaned out regularly and old medicines flushed down the <br />toilet <br />-All medications should be stored in their original child -resistant containers <br />BEDROOM <br />-No medicines should be left in or on dresser or night stands <br />-All cologne, aftershave, cosmetics and powders should be kept out of reach <br />LAUNDRY AREA <br />-All bleaches, soaps, detergents, fabric softeners, bluing agents and sprays should be kept out <br />of reach <br />-All products should be stored in their original containers <br />GARAGE/BASEMENT <br />Insect sprays and lawn care products should be stored in locked areas <br />Gasoline and car care products should be in secured areas or a locked trunk <br />Paint, paint cleaners and other home care products should be in locked areas <br />-All products should be stored in their original containers <br />GENERAL HOUSEHOLD <br />Storage area for medication and other products is a locked cabinet located high and out of <br />reach <br />Plants indentified and should be out of reach <br />Alcoholic beverages should be out of reach <br />Ashtrays empty and should be out of reach <br />Paint should be in good condition with no chipping or peeling <br />-No mouse baits in areas where children play <br />WHY DO SOME PEOPLE ABUSE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS? <br />Some people experiment with prescription drugs because they think they will help them have more fun, lose weight, fit in, and even study more effectively. Prescription <br />drugs can be easier to get than street drugs: Family members or friends may have them. But prescription drugs are also sometimes sold on the street like other illegal <br />drugs. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that prescription drug abuse is on the rise. <br />THANK YOU FOR CLEARING YOUR FIRE HYDRANT <br />The Centennial Fire Department would like to thank those that abut a fire hydrant and your due diligence in keeping it visible and clear this winter season. Please thank <br />your neighbor(s) if they are responsible. <br />
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